PopMM - 29/12/24 00:00
[00:00] [GoD]Blanka> Koopa sucks
[00:00] [GoD]Blanka out
[00:00] [D]Jusuf> gn Bianca
[00:00] [D]Jusuf> may pop find its heart and soul
[00:00] [D]Jusuf> before it's too late
[00:01] [D]Jusuf> poisioned by these point collecting quitters
[00:02] 8-Kit> no no, i mean i can command attack her
[00:02] 8-Kit> like i can click to attack her units
[00:02] 8-Kit> is that supposed to ahppen?
[00:02] 8-Kit> also
[00:02] 8-Kit> i can ally the bots too?
[00:02] 8-Kit> how does that work
[00:02] bockwurstlaune> bock #1
[00:02] bockwurstlaune out
[00:02] [D]Jusuf> well the bots wont ally you back so it wont matter
[00:02] Zpektrix_TAS> danny crashed
[00:02] Invisible2> joseph
[00:02] Mivoriam in
[00:02] Invisible2> take my spoth
[00:03] Invisible2> spot*
[00:03] [D]Jusuf> Im not playing with these quitter gays
[00:03] [D]Doom> lol
[00:03] [Rw]Jops> dont talk about your clan mate like that
[00:03] Invisible2> dw i legt hut
[00:03] D4R_OP> danny has some beef with net rn :monkagun:
[00:03] Invisible2> left*
[00:03] [D]Jusuf> 8kit if you guys have your pop near each other
[00:03] [D]Jusuf> do they fight?
[00:03] Zpektrix_TAS> d4r join
[00:03] Zpektrix_TAS> brandy come
[00:03] T-Rod> d4r let eric take yellow spot
[00:03] 8-Kit> i havent hcked. let me check
[00:03] [D]Jusuf> if they dont fight then you are allied
[00:04] [D]Jusuf> if they do then one of you may not be
[00:04] D4R_OP> józef join
[00:04] [D]Doom> inca adds the functionality that when someone quits they will be penalized for 5 minutes of not being able to play for each time they quit in a row, and the time accumulates
[00:04] zugzug out
[00:04] [D]Jusuf> nah im serious
[00:04] 8-Kit> no, they chill together
[00:04] 8-Kit> so ig its working
[00:04] [D]Doom> +1 gay quitter
[00:04] [D]Jusuf> ye so sounds good 8kit
[00:04] T-Rod> not sure if u new players know abt incas curse
[00:05] [D]Doom> what curse?
[00:05] Zpektrix_TAS> so many obelinks in matt's base
[00:05] T-Rod> inca cursed players, like weird stuff happened in games
[00:05] Zpektrix_TAS> :)
[00:05] Zpektrix_TAS> nice totems too
[00:05] LockdowN_TAS out
[00:05] [D]Doom> go
[00:06] T-Rod> T-Rod + D4R_OP + [Rw]Jops + Zpektrix_TAS vs. [Rw]Headhunterz + [D]Doom + Lawyer_Johnson + Invisible2
[00:06] T-Rod> best ok?
[00:06] [D]Doom> pls put me left side rod
[00:06] [Rw]Jops> omg...
[00:06] T-Rod> ok
[00:06] [Rw]Jops> yes its fine lol
[00:06] [D]Jusuf> by guys enjoy your shitty games <3
[00:06] [D]Jusuf out
[00:06] Zpektrix_TAS> teams 2 op
[00:06] [D]Doom> lol
[00:06] [Rw]Jops> oh man
[00:06] [Rw]Jops> Is Jo ok?
[00:06] [Rw]Jops> Doom when did you become such an antagonist
[00:06] [Rw]Jops> we were all rooting for you!
[00:06] LockdowN_TAS in
[00:07] LockdowN_TAS out
[00:08] zugzug in
[00:08] T-Rod> thought eric was yell spoit
[00:08] [Rw]Jops> hahaha
[00:08] T-Rod> d4r let eric there
[00:08] T-Rod> less rotate
[00:09] [D]Doom> d4r move
[00:09] T-Rod> k i rotate
[00:09] Invisible2> soz guys im really tired and its getting to late
[00:09] T-Rod> np
[00:09] Invisible2> im out
[00:09] Invisible2> have fun
[00:09] [D]Doom> no game
[00:09] [Rw]Headhunterz> omg
[00:09] [D]Doom> go 6p
[00:09] [D]Doom out
[00:09] Zpektrix_TAS> gn brandy
[00:09] Invisible2 out
[00:09] [Rw]Jops> omfg
[00:09] Zpektrix_TAS> what about 3v3 tom
[00:09] T-Rod> can do if noone comes
[00:09] [Rw]Headhunterz> im gonna chuck myself out of the window
[00:09] [Rw]Jops> how has this gone so wong
[00:10] [Rw]Jops> how can you go from "yeah im up for a 40 min game"
[00:10] [Rw]Jops> to not launching, and a minute later deciding "actually im too tired"
[00:10] [Rw]Headhunterz> well doom would just quit so its fine that he is out lol
[00:10] [Rw]Jops> lol I was looking at his recent games, dude has quit like 225 out of the last 30
[00:10] [Rw]Jops> 25*
[00:14] LockdowN_TAS in
[00:23] Ezra_TSI in
[00:24] Ezra_TSI out
[00:43] [AvA]Soma- out
[00:43] Greenpopgrowth_tsi in
[00:44] Greenpopgrowth_tsi out
[00:56] LockdowN_TAS out
[00:59] Lawyer_Johnson out
[00:59] Lawyer_Johnson in
[00:59] LockdowN_TAS in
[00:59] LockdowN_TAS> damn Eric
[00:59] LockdowN_TAS> u lose that
[00:59] LockdowN_TAS> whats why you need me
[00:59] Zpektrix_TAS> lol danny
[00:59] LockdowN_TAS> thats*
[01:00] Zpektrix_TAS> jops misjudged
[01:00] Zpektrix_TAS> and let yellow in my base
[01:00] Zpektrix_TAS> it was done already since then
[01:00] Lawyer_Johnson> well had 29 shaman kills and 16 deaths carried the game but blue got in my base
[01:01] Zpektrix_TAS> they even wasted so many fs
[01:01] Zpektrix_TAS> boring map
[01:01] D4R_OP> was afraid about wood anyway rood
[01:01] D4R_OP> *rod
[01:01] [Rw]Jops> yeah sorry Tsu i thought you'd killed him
[01:01] [Rw]Jops> that was my bad
[01:01] T-Rod> gg wp
[01:01] Zpektrix_TAS> i gues i wont play tom till 2026
[01:01] LockdowN_TAS> loool
[01:01] T-Rod> lool
[01:01] Zpektrix_TAS> no tom in 2026
[01:01] LockdowN_TAS> yea Trod, can u stop playing tom :/
[01:01] Zpektrix_TAS> 2025
[01:01] T-Rod> ok for today
[01:02] Zpektrix_TAS> i'll just alt f4 when i see all asg maps
[01:02] [Rw]Jops> diff was T rods expanding and building
[01:02] T-Rod> u guys allmost won it tho
[01:02] Zpektrix_TAS> we've lost trees anyway
[01:02] [Rw]Jops> dude had double pop of everyone after 20 mins
[01:02] T-Rod> i spammed so many fs all game
[01:02] Zpektrix_TAS> jops didnt need to build towers
[01:02] [Rw]Jops> and just kept spamming fs
[01:02] T-Rod> i hoped allies spammed too
[01:02] T-Rod> but noo
[01:02] Zpektrix_TAS> he could have sent eric woods in stead
[01:03] [Rw]Jops> lol, we didnt lose because I built 4 towers
[01:03] [Rw]Jops> We lost cos i couldnt get a shaman kill when we needed it
[01:03] Zpektrix_TAS> i mean we could use those woods for eric's def and expanding more land
[01:03] Zpektrix_TAS> 20 pieces and more trees alive
[01:03] [Rw]Jops> true, But I built them 25 mins in? We already had 20 mins to expand and didnt
[01:03] Zpektrix_TAS> especially your towers werent filed
[01:04] Zpektrix_TAS> we have lost trees in back
[01:04] [Rw]Jops> they were, I had to empty them to chase shaman that we both couldnt kill
[01:04] Zpektrix_TAS> eric was taking pressure
[01:04] Zpektrix_TAS> we should share woods to mid base
[01:04] [Rw]Jops> Eric had 100 less pop than T Rod
[01:04] Zpektrix_TAS> for def
[01:04] [Rw]Jops> again, that wasnt because I built 4 towers
[01:04] Zpektrix_TAS> pointless lesson it seems
[01:04] [Rw]Jops> Even D4 had 180 pop by the end
[01:04] Zpektrix_TAS> part of reasons why oldie people dont listen
[01:05] [Rw]Jops> we lost because we didnt expand
[01:05] [Rw]Jops> it's not that im not listening, its that your explanation is wrong
[01:05] T-Rod> weird how tsu didnt have 200+ pop all game
[01:05] Lawyer_Johnson> I had less pop then t rod because they got in the first attack
[01:05] T-Rod> i was sure he had
[01:05] Zpektrix_TAS> not wasting 20 woods in front as destroyed towers
[01:05] Zpektrix_TAS> for 3mins
[01:05] Zpektrix_TAS> eric would have repaired much faster
[01:05] LockdowN_TAS> :pepegaphone: JOINNNNNNNNN
[01:06] T-Rod> enough games for me
[01:06] [Rw]Jops> But I dont get your point Tsu
[01:06] T-Rod> ty for ggs
[01:06] [Rw]Jops> we had wood for 20 mins
[01:06] [Rw]Jops> and didnt expand
[01:06] Zpektrix_TAS> they casted flatten
[01:06] Zpektrix_TAS> only i did in my team
[01:06] [Rw]Jops> I didnt build the towers until like 25 mins in
[01:06] Zpektrix_TAS> learn to expand with flatten when eric looks that busy in front
[01:06] [Rw]Jops> but thats my point
[01:06] Zpektrix_TAS> we should do our own task
[01:06] [Rw]Jops> we lost because we didnt expand, not because I built 4 towers
[01:06] Zpektrix_TAS> we had no wood for 40mins
[01:06] [Rw]Jops> which I acknowledged ages ago
[01:07] [Rw]Jops> Thats a bit hyperbolic isnt it
[01:07] Zpektrix_TAS> we lost because we could not build more huts just because you keep cutting trees in your base
[01:07] Zpektrix_TAS> eric's trees were cut because of front towers cost
[01:07] [Rw]Jops> nah we lost because we didnt expand, and you (and I) couldnt land a shaman kill
[01:07] Zpektrix_TAS> he took mine too automatically too
[01:07] Zpektrix_TAS> we've lost trees once by that
[01:08] [Rw]Jops> also
[01:08] [Rw]Jops> 40 mins in we had more pop
[01:08] [Rw]Jops> so the double reason was the missed kill on yellow
[01:08] [Rw]Jops> (which you know, you did miss 3 lights on)
[01:08] Zpektrix_TAS> i still killed 2 more shamans with that ping
[01:08] LockdowN_TAS> enough chattin guys, lets play more games
[01:09] [Rw]Headhunterz out
[01:09] matzetwo out
[01:09] [Rw]Jops> Nah thats enough Tsu for one night, need my customary week long break from him lol
[01:09] [Rw]Jops out
[01:09] Zpektrix_TAS> good
[01:09] Zpektrix_TAS> go to bed man
[01:10] Kayin in
[01:10] Zpektrix_TAS> had to do 2v3 whole game
[01:10] Zpektrix_TAS> was irritating
[01:10] Zpektrix_TAS> he did some task but killing trees were kinda critical in that game
[01:12] Kayin out
[01:13] [Rw]Jops> lol "we had to do 2v3"
[01:13] Kayin in
[01:13] [Rw]Jops> you did fuck all, Eric had to do 1v3
[01:14] Kayin out
[01:14] [Rw]Jops> nah im joking, you did wipe out their base
[01:14] Kayin in
[01:14] [Rw]Jops> it was a 2v3
[01:14] LockdowN_TAS out
[01:15] LockdowN_TAS in
[01:15] Lawyer_Johnson> kaying ping
[01:15] Zpektrix_TAS> the point was you were cutting trees by not settings woods in front. if you cannot control braves elt eric do that task
[01:15] Zpektrix_TAS> he could've handled it
[01:15] Kayin> other no ping too
[01:15] [Rw]Jops> thats fair
[01:16] D4R_OP out
[01:16] Zpektrix_TAS> they didnt build towers mostly they let trod build towers
[01:16] D4R_OP in
[01:16] Zpektrix_TAS> thats why they could control trees better and earlier expanding
[01:16] Zpektrix_TAS> we could've done the same
[01:16] Zpektrix_TAS> just those 2 mistakes
[01:16] [Rw]Jops> mate you cant keep going on about early expanding, again, I didnt build the 4 towers until 25 mins in, that didnt kill the wood
[01:17] [Rw]Jops> the problem was I didnt expand myself
[01:17] Zpektrix_TAS> i can get 150 with flatten if they let me camp whole game with 5 trees
[01:17] [Rw]Jops> so I did nothing wih the trees in that time
[01:17] Zpektrix_TAS> in 20mins
[01:17] Zpektrix_TAS> we didnt have trees when you mentioned it anyway
[01:18] Zpektrix_TAS> we've already known our expansion was late and less against them in that game
[01:18] Kayin out
[01:18] Kayin in
[01:18] [Rw]Jops> didnt we? I had all my trees at 4 wood
[01:18] Zpektrix_TAS> we lost front tress
[01:18] Zpektrix_TAS> and also mine
[01:19] Zpektrix_TAS> same as green base's
[01:19] Zpektrix_TAS> they burnt our building very often
[01:19] [Rw]Jops> good point
[01:19] [Rw]Jops> the constant fs was a fucker
[01:19] Zpektrix_TAS> eq was the cause
[01:19] Zpektrix_TAS> fs was just for followers
[01:24] LockdowN_TAS> so Eric
[01:24] LockdowN_TAS> are we going or not?
[01:25] Lawyer_Johnson> map
[01:25] Lawyer_Johnson> ?
[01:25] Lawyer_Johnson> this isnt tom
[01:25] Lawyer_Johnson> me and d4
[01:25] Lawyer_Johnson> ok?
[01:25] LockdowN_TAS> jeez
[01:25] LockdowN_TAS> not tom
[01:26] LockdowN_TAS> k this better
[01:26] Lawyer_Johnson> this one
[01:26] Lawyer_Johnson> ok?
[01:26] LockdowN_TAS> no
[01:26] LockdowN_TAS> hollow fields
[01:26] LockdowN_TAS> i cba playing 1 stripped map eric
[01:27] zugzug out
[01:30] Mivoriam out
[01:45] 8-Kit out
[01:46] LockdowN_TAS> ?
[01:46] LockdowN_TAS in
[01:46] D4R_OP> :monkahmm:
[01:46] Kayin> ur net danny
[01:46] Lawyer_Johnson> join back
[01:46] LockdowN_TAS> wtf
[01:47] Kayin> may paper host?
[01:47] Kayin> i get better ping
[01:47] Updog_TSI> join
[01:47] Updog_TSI> kayin leave thaT hut now
[01:47] Updog_TSI> join here
[01:47] LockdowN_TAS out
[01:47] LockdowN_TAS in
[01:47] Kayin> lol you grabbing or host of us?
[01:48] Lawyer_Johnson> he is grabbing
[01:48] Updog_TSI> ffff
[01:48] yosaf out
[01:48] yosaf in
[01:50] Greenpopgrowth_tsi in
[01:52] LockdowN_TAS out
[02:19] Greenpopgrowth_tsi out
[02:24] Lawyer_Johnson out
[02:24] Kayin out
[02:24] Lawyer_Johnson in
[02:24] Lawyer_Johnson> gg wp
[02:24] Kayin in
[02:24] Lawyer_Johnson> I swear this was a hard carry
[02:24] Kayin> yeye ure right paper
[02:24] D4R_OP> damn eric
[02:24] Kayin out
[02:24] Kayin in
[02:24] D4R_OP> in this game I was more harder to carry
[02:24] D4R_OP> gg
[02:25] LockdowN_TAS> yea that was close
[02:25] D4R_OP> u did job alone
[02:25] LockdowN_TAS> i was dominating side
[02:25] LockdowN_TAS> but Kayin was struggling with Eric coz of his high ping :/
[02:25] Updog_TSI> YO
[02:25] Kayin> lol my pop
[02:25] Updog_TSI> what map
[02:25] Kayin> shame to be big base
[02:25] Lawyer_Johnson> 4way?
[02:25] Updog_TSI> Best Teams:
[02:26] Updog_TSI> Updog_TSI + Lawyer_Johnson vs. LockdowN_TAS + Kayin
[02:26] Updog_TSI> kayin danny pick map
[02:26] LockdowN_TAS> no
[02:26] D4R_OP> from who Kay gets good ping here?
[02:26] Kayin> do some easy map
[02:26] Lawyer_Johnson> i can ally lockdown or kayin
[02:26] LockdowN_TAS> any but way n tom
[02:26] D4R_OP> only Tsu?
[02:26] yosaf out
[02:26] Kayin> paper giving good to me
[02:26] LockdowN_TAS> been playing too much of those maps lately
[02:26] Updog_TSI> F O ?
[02:26] Kayin> hmm trod spin meph also
[02:26] Kayin> great
[02:26] Kayin> fo
[02:26] D4R_OP> ok
[02:26] Lawyer_Johnson> hollow fields?
[02:27] D4R_OP> lool, fo
[02:27] Updog_TSI> hollow brain
[02:27] D4R_OP> gonna watch this 1
[02:27] Updog_TSI> thats what u have eric
[02:27] Kayin> fo lets go
[02:27] LockdowN_TAS> k fo
[02:27] D4R_OP> will be fun
[02:27] Lawyer_Johnson> paper do pp
[02:39] LockdowN_TAS out
[02:39] Lawyer_Johnson> can i host it?
[02:39] Lawyer_Johnson> for better pings
[02:39] D4R_OP out
[02:40] Kayin> no ping too high
[02:40] Lawyer_Johnson> u can host?
[02:40] Lawyer_Johnson> or maybe trod
[02:40] LockdowN_TAS in
[02:40] Updog_TSI> we can try kayins idm
[02:40] Updog_TSI> its some delay but consistent enough
[02:40] Kayin> your host better
[02:41] Kayin> i mean paper
[02:41] Lawyer_Johnson> paper host than
[02:41] Kayin> i also give eric 270 ping
[02:41] D4R_OP in
[02:41] Kayin> if trod here
[02:41] Kayin> we all happy
[02:41] LockdowN_TAS> get Tsu or D4R
[02:41] Updog_TSI> well no one cares if eriic lags
[02:41] LockdowN_TAS out
[02:41] Kayin> lol
[02:42] Lawyer_Johnson> well let me host than il ally d4r
[02:42] Updog_TSI> its too laggy for kayin idiot we just went over that
[02:42] Lawyer_Johnson> lol calm down paper
[02:42] Updog_TSI> but i might let u pick map
[02:43] Lawyer_Johnson> d4 can host too
[02:43] Updog_TSI> what map
[02:43] Lawyer_Johnson> well do hollow fields
[02:43] Lawyer_Johnson> or this isnt tom
[02:43] D4R_OP> agaiN?
[02:43] Kayin> isnt tom
[02:43] Lawyer_Johnson> ok this isnt tom
[02:43] Kayin> we just did hollow
[02:43] D4R_OP> paper doesn't like this 1
[02:43] D4R_OP> but ye letz go
[02:43] Lawyer_Johnson> dont care
[02:43] D4R_OP> loool
[02:43] Lawyer_Johnson> he said i can pick map
[02:43] Updog_TSI> :D
[02:44] Lawyer_Johnson> the tunderas
[02:44] Updog_TSI> peepin tom
[02:44] Updog_TSI> :lul:
[02:44] Kayin> isnt it the same?
[02:44] Lawyer_Johnson> the tunderas 2
[02:44] Lawyer_Johnson> this isnt tom
[02:44] Updog_TSI> ally is to the side
[02:44] Updog_TSI> and there is no bd
[02:45] Updog_TSI> its worse
[02:45] Updog_TSI> IMO
[02:45] Kayin> no one go bd in tom anyway
[02:45] Kayin> except trod
[02:45] Lawyer_Johnson> its the best map
[02:45] Lawyer_Johnson> lets go
[02:45] Lawyer_Johnson> make me big base
[02:46] Kayin> eric like small
[02:46] Kayin> i heard
[02:46] Lawyer_Johnson> nope
[02:46] D4R_OP> :feelsglassesman:
[02:46] Lawyer_Johnson> rotate me to big base paper
[02:51] [Rw]Ninety out
[02:58] Saito_Vdm out
[03:27] Mowgli in
[03:30] LockdowN_TAS in
[03:33] Mowgli out
[03:37] T-Rod out
[03:57] D4R_OP> :howdy:
[03:58] D4R_OP out
[03:58] Kayin> gg wp
[03:58] Lawyer_Johnson out
[03:58] Kayin> wp updog
[03:58] Updog_TSI> thx u too
[03:58] Lawyer_Johnson in
[03:59] Lawyer_Johnson> gg
[03:59] Lawyer_Johnson> well that was all i could do to carry lol
[03:59] Lawyer_Johnson> 53 kills
[03:59] Lawyer_Johnson> rm?
[03:59] Updog_TSI> i'm just too pro
[04:00] Kayin> cool my kd
[04:00] Lawyer_Johnson> lol paper
[04:00] Lawyer_Johnson> urr lucky
[04:00] Lawyer_Johnson> that u got in
[04:00] Updog_TSI> kayin
[04:00] Updog_TSI> i was cursing ur name
[04:00] Lawyer_Johnson> and that shit spikes made u won
[04:00] Updog_TSI> oh look he diedd again
[04:00] Lawyer_Johnson> was really hard to click
[04:00] Updog_TSI> every fuckin time man
[04:00] Updog_TSI> god u die a lot
[04:00] Kayin> hahaha ure right
[04:00] Updog_TSI> i was surprised tbh
[04:00] Updog_TSI> u had better than d4r
[04:00] Updog_TSI> lol
[04:00] Updog_TSI> it didnt feel like it
[04:00] Kayin> but i was trying my best
[04:01] Updog_TSI> ye np
[04:01] Lawyer_Johnson> well my ally died too much
[04:01] Kayin> sometime i died with no reason
[04:01] Updog_TSI> i knew u would have the troops and spells eventually
[04:01] Updog_TSI> if u had land
[04:01] Kayin> yea my early pop suck like hell
[04:01] LockdowN_TAS> yea then were your best performance yesterday
[04:01] LockdowN_TAS> we lost to sw's 2 in a row
[04:02] LockdowN_TAS> :monkas:
[04:02] Kayin> sec
[04:02] Kayin out
[04:02] Updog_TSI> lol
[04:02] Kayin in
[04:02] Updog_TSI> they were playing tough man
[04:02] Updog_TSI> and they got 4walls down
[04:02] Kayin out
[04:03] Kayin in
[04:03] LockdowN_TAS> they werent dude
[04:03] LockdowN_TAS> thats how they play
[04:03] LockdowN_TAS> thought you learned something from 2nd game
[04:03] LockdowN_TAS> :ikillu:
[04:03] Updog_TSI> lol
[04:03] Updog_TSI> what map peasants
[04:03] Kayin> wow my ping so high
[04:03] LockdowN_TAS> see Kay
[04:04] LockdowN_TAS> even i have lower ping than u
[04:04] Vertigo in
[04:04] LockdowN_TAS> HK is closer to US
[04:04] Kayin out
[04:04] Kayin in
[04:04] Kayin out
[04:04] Kayin in
[04:05] Updog_TSI> wat map
[04:05] LockdowN_TAS> faction
[04:05] LockdowN_TAS> on TGW
[04:05] Kayin> sec
[04:05] Kayin> piss
[04:18] Faolan in
[04:42] LockdowN_TAS> gg
[04:42] Lawyer_Johnson out
[04:42] LockdowN_TAS> ya guys know what
[04:42] Updog_TSI> :gg:
[04:42] LockdowN_TAS> my only limitation of playing pop
[04:42] Updog_TSI> :wp:
[04:43] LockdowN_TAS> is just PINGGG
[04:43] LockdowN_TAS> FFS
[04:43] Kayin> i just told you lol
[04:43] Lawyer_Johnson in
[04:43] Kayin> we already did once
[04:43] Kayin> like that
[04:43] Kayin> and lost it
[04:43] LockdowN_TAS> yo sec
[04:43] LockdowN_TAS> lemme fix my ping first
[04:43] adray_tsi out
[04:44] LockdowN_TAS> kk
[04:45] LockdowN_TAS> nah pls
[04:45] LockdowN_TAS> not fo
[04:45] Updog_TSI> ok ok
[04:45] Updog_TSI> hm
[04:45] Updog_TSI> 4wall ?
[04:45] Updog_TSI> sess ?
[04:46] LockdowN_TAS> yea go cr8
[04:46] Kayin> do sess
[04:46] Updog_TSI> kayin wants sess
[04:46] LockdowN_TAS> ok
[04:47] Faolan out
[04:56] LockdowN_TAS in
[04:56] Kayin> dannys' network is not stable today
[04:56] LockdowN_TAS> sec
[04:56] Lawyer_Johnson> u want me to host?
[04:56] LockdowN_TAS> yea
[04:57] Kayin> no
[04:57] LockdowN_TAS> i need my lan cable
[04:57] Kayin> lol
[04:57] LockdowN_TAS> plugged in
[04:57] LockdowN_TAS> jeez
[04:57] Lawyer_Johnson> lan cable is best
[04:57] Updog_TSI> of course
[04:57] Lawyer_Johnson> wifi sucks
[04:58] LockdowN_TAS out
[04:59] LockdowN_TAS in
[04:59] LockdowN_TAS> k all good now
[05:01] Updog_TSI> sess again
[05:01] LockdowN_TAS> idm
[05:01] LockdowN_TAS out
[05:01] Updog_TSI> https://prnt.sc/T_A64JsYEX3t
[05:04] Kayin> https://imgur.com/a/OlJdxOm
[05:46] Lawyer_Johnson out
[05:46] Kayin> gg wp
[05:46] Updog_TSI> :gg:
[05:46] Updog_TSI> :wp:
[05:46] Lawyer_Johnson in
[05:46] LockdowN_TAS> rite
[05:46] LockdowN_TAS> time for walls
[05:46] Lawyer_Johnson> dam paper u were trying hardcore
[05:46] Lawyer_Johnson> how many timrd u die
[05:47] Lawyer_Johnson> lol
[05:47] Updog_TSI> eric
[05:47] Updog_TSI> thanks for the pts
[05:47] Lawyer_Johnson> np
[05:47] Lawyer_Johnson> you earned it
[05:47] Updog_TSI> owned pussy shaved rekt obliterated destroyed smashed
[05:47] Lawyer_Johnson> i dont give easy games away
[05:47] Lawyer_Johnson> you gotta earn it
[05:48] Lawyer_Johnson> SEC 1 min
[06:20] Vertigo out
[06:29] Merlo in
[06:38] Updog_TSI out
[06:38] Lawyer_Johnson out
[06:38] LockdowN_TAS> ggwp
[06:39] Lawyer_Johnson in
[06:39] Lawyer_Johnson> gg paper thanks for the pts
[06:39] LockdowN_TAS> he logged out lmaoo
[06:39] Lawyer_Johnson> to be honest it was a hard game
[06:39] Lawyer_Johnson> idk why
[06:39] LockdowN_TAS> it was
[06:39] LockdowN_TAS> u were struggling there eric
[06:39] LockdowN_TAS> it was unusual
[06:39] Lawyer_Johnson> ye he got super mad cuz i lighted him everytime when he wants to enter ur base
[06:39] Lawyer_Johnson> lol
[06:39] LockdowN_TAS> roflll
[06:39] LockdowN_TAS> yea thx for the assist
[06:40] Lawyer_Johnson> ye i was struggeling everytime when i want to attack i see u suffering
[06:40] Lawyer_Johnson> thats why i go to u
[06:40] LockdowN_TAS> ye both of em are good troopes
[06:40] Lawyer_Johnson> and killing all the shaman everytime
[06:40] Lawyer_Johnson> i think kayin will hate
[06:40] Lawyer_Johnson> me
[06:40] LockdowN_TAS> prolly ye
[06:40] LockdowN_TAS> first paper
[06:40] Lawyer_Johnson> how many times i killed him in 5 rows
[06:40] LockdowN_TAS> im the second
[06:40] LockdowN_TAS> and Kayin now
[06:40] Kayin> no
[06:41] Kayin> we just couldnt get the chance
[06:41] Lawyer_Johnson> got 30 shaman kills 18 deaths
[06:41] Lawyer_Johnson> cuz of me
[06:41] Lawyer_Johnson> u couldnt
[06:41] LockdowN_TAS> yepp
[06:41] Lawyer_Johnson> killing everyime on the critical moments
[06:42] LockdowN_TAS> game was turned when it hit 30 mins mark
[06:42] Lawyer_Johnson> ye u got stable
[06:42] LockdowN_TAS> paper was opened pretty much, lost lot of his fws and empty towers
[06:42] Kayin> poor that paper couldnt finish you
[06:42] LockdowN_TAS> yes
[06:43] LockdowN_TAS> ive got unlimited mana
[06:43] Lawyer_Johnson> well paper got owned by lockdown
[06:43] Lawyer_Johnson> lol
[06:43] Lawyer_Johnson> 200 pop
[06:43] LockdowN_TAS> 200 pop :peped:
[06:44] LockdowN_TAS> if my first side attempt succeed
[06:44] Lawyer_Johnson> well paper is probaly mad
[06:44] Lawyer_Johnson> that he got owned
[06:44] Lawyer_Johnson> lol
[06:44] LockdowN_TAS> prolly is lmaoo
[06:44] LockdowN_TAS> he is not the only one Eric
[06:44] LockdowN_TAS> :kek:
[06:45] Lawyer_Johnson> paper if u read this, u got owned by lockdown bro
[06:47] LockdowN_TAS> hmm
[06:47] LockdowN_TAS> if Tsu we can play another
[06:47] LockdowN_TAS> :monkahmm:
[06:47] LockdowN_TAS> so Eric is being Nici now?
[06:47] LockdowN_TAS> guy doesnt sleep much lately just to get to #1
[06:47] LockdowN_TAS> pop nerd
[06:48] Lawyer_Johnson> i need to get to 1 before new year
[06:48] LockdowN_TAS> luckily ive got to shaman twice this year so ye
[06:48] LockdowN_TAS> my pop goal is accomplished
[06:53] LockdowN_TAS> no game it seems
[06:54] LockdowN_TAS> ggs
[06:54] LockdowN_TAS> catch ya later lads :howdy:
[06:54] LockdowN_TAS out
[06:59] Lawyer_Johnson out
[07:01] Kayin out
[07:01] Kayin in
[07:02] Kayin out
[07:02] Kayin in
[07:15] Kayin out
[07:22] jCatMeows in
[07:22] AtomicO_o in
[07:55] jammy in
[08:22] Kayin in
[08:42] [SW]BardiKing in
[08:46] [SW]BardiKing in
[08:47] [SW]BardiKing> anyone wanna 1v1?
[08:48] [SW]BardiKing out
[08:49] AtomicO_o> bardi hi maybe later
[08:49] AtomicO_o> i need wake up good
[08:49] AtomicO_o> my psycomotory
[08:49] AtomicO_o> psycomotor*
[08:50] [SW]BardiKing in
[08:53] [SW]BardiKing out
[09:11] Merlo out
[09:16] [SW]BardiKing in
[09:16] [SW]BardiKing in
[09:19] [SW]BardiKing out
[09:20] Invisible2 in
[09:21] AtomicO_o> buongiorno brandy!
[09:21] AtomicO_o> 2v2 guys^
[09:21] Invisible2> buongiorno mix
[09:21] Invisible2> come ti senti?
[09:22] AtomicO_o> bene grazie mi e passata dopo aver preso il brufen
[09:22] Invisible2> menomale dai, mi fa piacere :)
[09:22] AtomicO_o> menomale che non mi ha rovinato capodanno
[09:23] AtomicO_o> +3
[09:23] Invisible2> eh infatti
[09:23] AtomicO_o> giochi una partitella?
[09:24] Invisible2> sto facendo colazione
[09:24] AtomicO_o> :ok:
[09:25] [SW]BardiKing out
[09:25] [SW]BardiKing out
[09:36] LockdowN_TAS in
[09:58] Kayin out
[09:59] [AsG]manl1> :manu:
[10:16] AtomicO_o> hi manl1 log in
[10:16] AtomicO_o> +2
[10:28] Invisible2 out
[10:35] d1zd0z in
[10:46] marux in
[10:59] marux> hey
[11:01] marux> maybe i am not sure how to get it to open the 3d one
[11:02] marux> i got one workin
[11:02] marux out
[11:02] marux in
[11:03] marux> where?
[11:03] marux> sorry new
[11:04] jammy out
[11:04] jammy in
[11:09] AtomicO_o> cba in morning pp
[11:10] AtomicO_o> wp
[11:10] AtomicO_o out
[11:14] marux> so how does it work?
[11:15] jCatMeows out
[11:16] marux> i dont know how yet
[11:17] mahnoorashfaq in
[11:27] marux out
[11:31] marux in
[11:35] marux> maybe
[11:36] Hellfest in
[11:48] mahnoorashfaq out
[11:59] mahnoorashfaq in
[12:00] tetc in
[12:13] mahnoorashfaq out
[12:14] d1zd0z out
[12:24] tetc out
[12:25] jammy out
[12:33] dumyjitop in
[12:41] [D]Doom in
[12:43] dumyjitop out
[12:43] [D]Doom out
[12:44] jammy in
[12:45] dumyjitop in
[12:48] dumyjitop out
[12:48] Maztodonte-Perras in
[12:56] GyLala in
[13:14] AtomicO_o in
[13:15] AtomicO_o out
[13:15] AtomicO_o in
[13:17] AtomicO_o> hi marux
[13:17] AtomicO_o> are u newbie?
[13:17] marux> hey
[13:18] marux> to multiplayer yeah
[13:18] AtomicO_o> welcome aboard
[13:20] nah> Did you watched Tutorials?
[13:20] AtomicO_o> nah join teach us how to play populous
[13:20] marux> i dont think so
[13:21] AtomicO_o> did u played singleplayer marux
[13:21] AtomicO_o> ?
[13:21] marux> yeah
[13:21] nah> Unless you figured that out in Single player
[13:21] nah> Like Harvesting woods, dismantling huts
[13:21] nah> making tons of towers
[13:21] marux> since 2002
[13:21] AtomicO_o> ok
[13:22] AtomicO_o> i finished single player without cheats in 2 years
[13:22] AtomicO_o> lol
[13:22] nah> LoL
[13:22] AtomicO_o> i was only 6-7 y old
[13:22] marux> byrne ?
[13:22] nah> I did not know english at that time
[13:22] nah> and still done it :)
[13:23] nah> The toughest map at that time for me were Snow ones
[13:23] nah> maps
[13:23] AtomicO_o> mmm dr it
[13:23] AtomicO_o> join nah?
[13:24] nah> want 1v1
[13:24] nah> so that he can observe?
[13:24] AtomicO_o> noo
[13:24] AtomicO_o> u too good for me
[13:24] nah> lo
[13:25] nah> lol if I live for 10 min it is gonna be good
[13:25] AtomicO_o> cant ping marux
[13:25] nah> marux ?
[13:25] nah> did you update
[13:25] nah> type !update
[13:25] ScoobyDoo in
[13:26] AtomicO_o out
[13:26] AtomicO_o in
[13:26] AtomicO_o> omg i got 20 more pta
[13:26] AtomicO_o> pts
[13:26] AtomicO_o> why
[13:26] AtomicO_o> cant ping marux
[13:27] marux> says map not found
[13:27] AtomicO_o> type !beta
[13:27] AtomicO_o> without "type"
[13:27] AtomicO_o> and "!update"
[13:28] marux out
[13:29] AtomicO_o> 1v1 mazto?
[13:29] AtomicO_o> i need 20 pts
[13:29] Maztodonte-Perras> lol
[13:29] AtomicO_o> for my fw
[13:29] AtomicO_o> :D
[13:29] nah> lets do 1v1v1 ?
[13:29] AtomicO_o> 2vme?
[13:29] AtomicO_o> 3vme
[13:30] Maztodonte-Perras> 2v2
[13:30] Maztodonte-Perras> go
[13:30] AtomicO_o> 3v1
[13:30] AtomicO_o> or 2v2
[13:30] Maztodonte-Perras> 2v2
[13:30] AtomicO_o> pp walls fo
[13:30] AtomicO_o> select a map
[13:30] Maztodonte-Perras> way
[13:30] AtomicO_o> sorry not in the list
[13:31] Maztodonte-Perras> do walls
[13:31] Maztodonte-Perras> adkfsg
[13:31] Maztodonte-Perras> just go
[13:31] AtomicO_o> allakbar
[13:31] AtomicO_o> :boom:
[13:36] marux in
[13:40] marux> downtown
[13:48] Kayin in
[13:48] Kayin out
[13:48] Kayin in
[13:51] AtomicO_o> very wp scooby
[13:51] AtomicO_o out
[13:52] AtomicO_o in
[13:52] ScoobyDoo> thanks
[13:52] AtomicO_o out
[13:52] AtomicO_o in
[13:53] ScoobyDoo out
[13:54] marux> say without the ping there is no connection?
[13:55] marux> you can always go downtown
[13:55] Dougs in
[13:56] Dougs out
[13:56] nah> I do not understand
[13:56] nah> HOW TF YOU went trough all that towers without a single spell?
[13:56] nah> Were they empty ?
[13:56] nah> You just went over and cast the Vulcano
[13:57] marux> i love volcano
[13:57] nah> I wanted to pull my FW to stop your Shaman but I really tought that he had you
[13:57] nah> bc there was like 15 towers on his side and you just walked in
[14:02] Invisible2 in
[14:03] ScoobyDoo in
[14:04] nah> Nope
[14:04] nah> I am in another game
[14:04] nah> I still think about that game, can not figure out what went wrong
[14:04] Invisible2> marux relog
[14:04] nah> I was making huts always max at pop on my huts, training FW doing Spells, but it just went so wrong
[14:04] Invisible2> for ping
[14:05] marux out
[14:05] [GoD]Blanka in
[14:05] Invisible2> hi biankyleinchen
[14:05] [GoD]Blanka> servus brandileinchen
[14:05] marux in
[14:05] marux> could i watch >
[14:06] Invisible2> you can play if you want
[14:06] marux> this potato pc of mine
[14:06] Invisible2> lol potato pc
[14:06] AtomicO_o> ciao brandy
[14:06] AtomicO_o> tutto ok?
[14:06] Invisible2> bianca join
[14:06] Invisible2> ue mix
[14:06] Invisible2> io si
[14:06] AtomicO_o> biankaa
[14:06] Invisible2> mia madre un po meno
[14:06] [GoD]Blanka> hi mixi
[14:06] AtomicO_o> join and hi
[14:07] AtomicO_o> come
[14:07] Invisible2> é caduta dalle scale
[14:07] AtomicO_o> ???
[14:07] AtomicO_o> porca troia
[14:07] Invisible2> pochi gradini
[14:07] AtomicO_o> niente di grave spero
[14:07] Invisible2> per fortuna non si é fatta molto male
[14:07] [GoD]Blanka> potato pc
[14:07] AtomicO_o> ok :love:
[14:07] [GoD]Blanka> is that you loothill?
[14:07] [GoD]Blanka> :kek:
[14:07] Invisible2> Invisible2 + [GoD]Blanka + marux vs. Maztodonte-Perras + AtomicO_o + ScoobyDoo
[14:07] Invisible2> best ok?
[14:07] AtomicO_o> oh scooby pro with me
[14:07] AtomicO_o> si
[14:08] Maztodonte-Perras> stuf
[14:08] AtomicO_o> tom 3v3?
[14:08] Invisible2> bianca i can swap you if you want
[14:08] Maztodonte-Perras> tom no
[14:08] Maztodonte-Perras> other
[14:08] [GoD]Blanka> why
[14:08] Maztodonte-Perras> bored
[14:08] Invisible2> if you want good allies
[14:08] AtomicO_o> walls
[14:08] [GoD]Blanka> i have
[14:08] AtomicO_o> marux n scooby back
[14:08] Maztodonte-Perras> yeah but the map is suck
[14:08] Invisible2> is marux good?
[14:08] AtomicO_o> new
[14:08] AtomicO_o> player
[14:08] AtomicO_o> :kek:
[14:08] [GoD]Blanka> you never know what you get with a wildie
[14:09] AtomicO_o> need 14 pts
[14:09] Invisible2> i love surprise
[14:09] Maztodonte-Perras> 50% new 50% fake
[14:09] Maztodonte-Perras> rally
[14:09] [GoD]Blanka> for what mix
[14:09] AtomicO_o> fw coming :ecxcellent:
[14:09] [GoD]Blanka> lol
[14:09] [GoD]Blanka> i gladly take your preacher rank
[14:09] Maztodonte-Perras> :exelent:
[14:09] AtomicO_o> ^^
[14:09] Invisible2> nice mix
[14:15] Maztodonte-Perras> scoooby scobbyy dooo where are youuuuu
[14:15] AtomicO_o> /me hugs you
[14:16] [GoD]Blanka> lol
[14:16] Maztodonte-Perras> :kek:
[14:16] Invisible2> i hope marux know how he gb from lobby
[14:16] AtomicO_o> kayin?
[14:16] AtomicO_o> lol
[14:16] AtomicO_o> join kayin
[14:16] Kayin> nope i spec only
[14:16] AtomicO_o> tomo
[14:16] AtomicO_o> ok
[14:17] AtomicO_o> tomodachi= friend?
[14:17] Kayin> yes
[14:17] Kayin> in japanese
[14:17] AtomicO_o> oh only 3 words i know
[14:17] AtomicO_o> im been in osaka
[14:17] Kayin> you should ask yoshi
[14:17] Kayin> lol
[14:17] AtomicO_o> oh ye
[14:17] AtomicO_o> he has blocked me
[14:17] Kayin> how you feel with osaka?
[14:17] AtomicO_o> damn another planet
[14:18] AtomicO_o> very clean city
[14:18] Kayin> lmao
[14:18] Kayin> yea it is excellent
[14:18] Maztodonte-Perras> luffyu
[14:18] [GoD]Blanka> ye compared to the shitholes we live in
[14:18] Kayin> i have been there many years ago too
[14:18] Kayin> one of the best jp cities
[14:19] AtomicO_o> im been only 3 days for work pitty
[14:19] Maztodonte-Perras> marux dont gb??
[14:19] Maztodonte-Perras> jaja
[14:19] Invisible2> bianca join!!!
[14:19] Kayin> you should go there again
[14:19] [GoD]Blanka> for 2v2?
[14:19] Kayin> and enjoy more
[14:19] Invisible2> can do
[14:19] Invisible2> or 3v1
[14:19] AtomicO_o> yes i would see howgwart castle
[14:19] Maztodonte-Perras> lol
[14:19] Maztodonte-Perras> 2v2
[14:19] Maztodonte-Perras> me and bianca
[14:19] Maztodonte-Perras> me baby
[14:19] [GoD]Blanka> Invisible2 + [GoD]Blanka vs. AtomicO_o + Maztodonte-Perras
[14:20] [GoD]Blanka> sorry :p
[14:20] AtomicO_o> can do it
[14:20] Invisible2> poor bianca lol
[14:20] Invisible2> im soz
[14:20] AtomicO_o> no poor me
[14:20] [GoD]Blanka> tf?
[14:20] [GoD]Blanka> lol
[14:20] AtomicO_o> :D
[14:20] Maztodonte-Perras> bianca know
[14:20] Maztodonte-Perras> all days
[14:20] Maztodonte-Perras> in hot cxallas
[14:20] Maztodonte-Perras> calls
[14:20] AtomicO_o> invisible better of mazto imo
[14:20] Maztodonte-Perras> grrr
[14:20] [GoD]Blanka> ???
[14:20] huanson_OP in
[14:20] Invisible2> marux you wanna spect?
[14:20] Maztodonte-Perras> you know bianca hot calls
[14:20] huanson_OP> :howdy:
[14:20] AtomicO_o> damn welcom noob
[14:20] Maztodonte-Perras> grrrrrr
[14:20] marux> yeah
[14:20] Maztodonte-Perras> :kek:
[14:20] AtomicO_o> baboo
[14:20] Invisible2> join
[14:20] AtomicO_o> wassup bro
[14:21] [GoD]Blanka> ye should do them and get a lot of money out of this
[14:21] marux> atomic is dutch?
[14:21] AtomicO_o> no im marzian
[14:22] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[14:28] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:28] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:29] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:29] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:30] Mowgli in
[14:30] [AsG]manl1> :joseph:
[14:34] Mowgli out
[14:38] D4R_OP in
[14:39] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[14:41] ScoobyDoo out
[14:43] [AvA]TristanFR in
[14:45] christo0972 in
[14:50] AtomicO_o> cba with 2v1
[14:50] AtomicO_o> always
[14:50] Invisible2> gg
[14:50] AtomicO_o out
[14:50] [GoD]Blanka> god that was ugly
[14:50] [GoD]Blanka> sorry brandy
[14:50] AtomicO_o in
[14:50] Invisible2> nah tbh was 1v1 i didnt do shit
[14:50] Invisible2> sorry for what?
[14:50] [GoD]Blanka> i pilayed shit
[14:50] AtomicO_o> porco due 2v1
[14:50] Invisible2> nah your bd to mazto won us the game
[14:51] AtomicO_o> soz mazto i did rlly bad
[14:51] [GoD]Blanka> stfu mix
[14:51] [GoD]Blanka> you lil shit
[14:51] AtomicO_o> didnt adverted u for bd from b
[14:51] AtomicO_o> sexy bianca
[14:51] AtomicO_o> xd
[14:51] AtomicO_o> why called me lil shit
[14:51] [GoD]Blanka> dw i have seen enough
[14:51] AtomicO_o> i didnt got offence dw
[14:52] AtomicO_o> of quit?
[14:52] [GoD]Blanka> no
[14:52] [GoD]Blanka> smth else
[14:52] AtomicO_o> idk what
[14:52] Maztodonte-Perras> RM IN 4 WAY???
[14:52] [GoD]Blanka> but dw you arent the only one
[14:52] AtomicO_o> idk what u mean
[14:52] [GoD]Blanka> ye ye
[14:52] AtomicO_o> see what
[14:52] AtomicO_o> im noob
[14:52] Maztodonte-Perras> atomic
[14:52] Maztodonte-Perras> come
[14:52] AtomicO_o> ye that i see
[14:52] Maztodonte-Perras> rm in 4 way
[14:52] [GoD]Blanka> depends on whom you ally mix
[14:53] AtomicO_o> ye i need be carried
[14:53] [Rw]Jops in
[14:53] AtomicO_o> for win
[14:53] AtomicO_o> thats true
[14:53] Invisible2> nah not rm on 4way
[14:53] Invisible2> trashmap
[14:54] [GoD]Blanka> no rm at all
[14:54] Invisible2> or that
[14:54] [Rw]Jops out
[14:54] AtomicO_o> [GoD]Blanka> but dw you arent the only one
[14:54] AtomicO_o> one of ?
[14:54] [GoD]Blanka> i leave that to your fantasy
[14:54] [GoD]Blanka out
[14:56] ScoobyDoo in
[14:56] AtomicO_o> :LOL: understood now
[14:56] [D]Doom in
[15:01] Invisible2 out
[15:01] Invisible2 in
[15:03] [D]Jusuf in
[15:03] Invisible2> jooooo joseph
[15:03] [D]Jusuf> hey Brandy
[15:04] AtomicO_o> jospeh
[15:04] AtomicO_o> joseph*
[15:04] AtomicO_o> hello
[15:04] AtomicO_o> join pro player of usa
[15:05] Invisible2> nah if he join than it became a pro game
[15:06] marux out
[15:06] marux in
[15:08] Invisible2> Invisible2 + Zpektrix_TAS + ScoobyDoo vs. AtomicO_o + Maztodonte-Perras + [AvA]TristanFR
[15:08] Invisible2> map?
[15:08] AtomicO_o> omg
[15:09] AtomicO_o> hard for me
[15:09] AtomicO_o> illt try
[15:09] AtomicO_o> sess
[15:09] marux> play me
[15:09] marux> lmao
[15:09] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:09] dumyjitop in
[15:09] Invisible2> tsu dont like sess
[15:09] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:09] AtomicO_o> idm
[15:09] Invisible2> me neither tbh
[15:10] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:10] Invisible2> but can do other teams if you want
[15:10] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:10] Invisible2> can swap me and you
[15:10] AtomicO_o> no
[15:10] [AsG]Manl1 in
[15:10] [AsG]Manl1> :joseph:
[15:10] AtomicO_o> walls e ciao
[15:10] Invisible2> mix you want to be backbase?
[15:10] AtomicO_o> si dai
[15:11] Invisible2> kk
[15:11] [D]Jusuf> careful :peepostab:
[15:11] Invisible2> sec relog
[15:11] Invisible2 out
[15:11] Invisible2 in
[15:11] Invisible2> i give tsu shit ping
[15:11] [AsG]Manl1> :monkastab:
[15:11] Invisible2> maybe you host mix?
[15:12] Zpektrix_TAS> nah brandy
[15:12] Zpektrix_TAS> you host
[15:12] AtomicO_o> e fesso non usa exitlag
[15:12] [AvA]Soma- in
[15:12] AtomicO_o> somaa
[15:12] [AvA]Soma-> YOOO
[15:12] Invisible2> ue soma
[15:12] AtomicO_o> 8p?
[15:12] [AvA]Soma-> ciao brandt
[15:12] [AvA]Soma-> brandy
[15:12] Invisible2> joinnn
[15:12] Invisible2> +1
[15:12] [AvA]Soma-> grazie :D
[15:12] Invisible2> manl join?
[15:12] Zpektrix_TAS> alreadty dmed for kayin
[15:12] AtomicO_o> marux
[15:13] AtomicO_o> sorry dude too low level
[15:13] marux> k
[15:13] Invisible2> sorry marux
[15:13] [AvA]Soma-> maruzzo
[15:13] marux> esokay
[15:13] Invisible2> Invisible2 + Zpektrix_TAS + ScoobyDoo + [AvA]Soma- vs. AtomicO_o + Maztodonte-Perras + [AvA]TristanFR + Kayin
[15:13] [GoD]Blanka in
[15:13] Invisible2> kayin relog
[15:13] Kayin> k sec
[15:13] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:14] Kayin out
[15:14] Invisible2> hm i swap soma and mix
[15:14] AtomicO_o> why
[15:14] [AvA]Soma-> kkk
[15:14] AtomicO_o> perchè
[15:14] AtomicO_o> ;D
[15:14] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:14] Invisible2> soma e tsu fanno scintille
[15:14] AtomicO_o> e vabbe
[15:14] Maztodonte-Perras> 3v3
[15:14] Maztodonte-Perras> goo
[15:14] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:14] AtomicO_o> io sono acqua
[15:14] AtomicO_o> :D
[15:14] [AvA]Soma-> lol
[15:15] Invisible2> tsu and kayin are coming
[15:15] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:15] Invisible2> i brb pee
[15:15] AtomicO_o> rejoin 1 hut?
[15:15] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:15] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:15] Kayin in
[15:15] Zpektrix_TAS> ???
[15:15] Kayin out
[15:15] Kayin in
[15:16] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:16] marux out
[15:16] [AvA]Soma-> go 3v3
[15:16] [AvA]Soma-> siamo qua da 10 minuti
[15:17] AtomicO_o> io ho solo 1 oretta
[15:17] [AvA]Soma-> io pure
[15:17] [AvA]Soma-> manl join
[15:17] AtomicO_o> manl1
[15:17] [AvA]Soma-> gogogo
[15:18] Invisible2> ero in bagno scusate
[15:18] [AvA]Soma-> tranquillo
[15:18] Invisible2> tsu was restarting pc for ping
[15:18] [AvA]Soma-> cmon
[15:18] AtomicO_o> e vabbe
[15:18] [AvA]Soma-> brandy se aspettiamo a lui perdiamo qualcun altro
[15:18] AtomicO_o> Invisible2 + ScoobyDoo + [AvA]Soma- + Kayin vs. AtomicO_o + Maztodonte-Perras + [AsG]Manl1 + [AvA]TristanFR
[15:18] [AvA]Soma-> vai poi gioca alla prossima
[15:18] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:18] [AvA]Soma-> ok go
[15:18] Invisible2> he is here
[15:18] [AvA]Soma-> uffff
[15:18] Invisible2> nah man was tsu spot
[15:18] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:19] Invisible2> who joined btw?
[15:19] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:19] AtomicO_o> manl1
[15:19] Invisible2> manl tsu spot
[15:19] Invisible2> sorry mate
[15:19] [AvA]Soma-> can we go
[15:19] [AvA]Soma-> ?
[15:19] Invisible2> Invisible2 + Zpektrix_TAS + ScoobyDoo + [AvA]Soma- vs. AtomicO_o + Maztodonte-Perras + [AvA]TristanFR + Kayin
[15:19] Invisible2> kk so i swap soma and mix
[15:19] [AvA]Soma-> ok
[15:19] AtomicO_o> up t u
[15:22] marux in
[15:24] marux> yeah
[15:27] -Johan in
[15:31] [AvA]Soma-> lol why quit
[15:31] AtomicO_o> why soma sucks
[15:31] Maztodonte-Perras> suck team
[15:31] Zpektrix_TAS> gg wp team
[15:31] Invisible2> gg
[15:31] Zpektrix_TAS> join kayin
[15:31] [AvA]Soma-> i suck?
[15:32] Maztodonte-Perras> soma
[15:32] Maztodonte-Perras> el azul te entro como si nada
[15:32] Invisible2> Invisible2 + ScoobyDoo + [AvA]Soma- + Zpektrix_TAS vs. AtomicO_o + [AsG]Manl1 + Maztodonte-Perras + [AvA]TristanFR
[15:32] [AvA]Soma-> i killed him
[15:32] AtomicO_o> bastardo
[15:32] Maztodonte-Perras> a las bases de atras
[15:32] Invisible2> il swap soma and mix again lol
[15:32] [AsG]Manl1> :joseph:
[15:32] AtomicO_o> soma is good player
[15:32] [AvA]Soma-> i had full base
[15:38] marux> it certainly is not the computer
[15:39] marux out
[15:44] Greenpopgrowth_tsi in
[15:45] [D]Jusuf> :fap:
[15:46] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> hi joe
[15:46] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> :fap:
[15:48] D4R_OP> :joseph:
[15:49] [D]Jusuf> Hi Riley, Hi Radek :feelsglassesman:
[15:50] [AvA]Soma- out
[15:50] AtomicO_o out
[15:50] ScoobyDoo out
[15:50] AtomicO_o in
[15:50] Invisible2> mazto open eyes mate game was not really over
[15:50] ScoobyDoo in
[15:50] Invisible2> i also was fucked
[15:50] [AvA]Soma- in
[15:50] [AvA]Soma-> mazto got owned by scoobydoo and says teams suck
[15:50] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> +2
[15:50] [AvA]Soma-> lol
[15:50] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> lol
[15:51] Maztodonte-Perras> They are asleep, they never warned me
[15:51] Maztodonte-Perras> fsss
[15:51] Invisible2> he should just keep playing
[15:51] [AvA]Soma-> green was destroying blue base
[15:51] Maztodonte-Perras> as if nothing
[15:51] [D]Jusuf> oh jeez not someone quitting early
[15:51] [D]Jusuf> how unusual
[15:51] [AvA]Soma-> grrrrrrrreat quitter
[15:51] Invisible2> lol joseph
[15:51] AtomicO_o> ;fu:
[15:52] AtomicO_o> brb cigarette guys
[15:53] Invisible2> Invisible2 + ScoobyDoo + Zpektrix_TAS + Kayin vs. AtomicO_o + Greenpopgrowth_tsi + Maztodonte-Perras + [AvA]TristanFR
[15:53] Invisible2> walls again?
[15:54] Zpektrix_TAS> ok
[15:54] [AvA]JJaydenn in
[15:54] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> Thats a hard game
[15:54] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> gg
[15:54] AtomicO_o> I dont ally mazto
[15:55] AtomicO_o> Better scoobydoo
[15:55] D4R_OP> lol mix
[15:56] D4R_OP> why don't u wanna be in ally with matzo aka grrrr-boi
[15:56] AtomicO_o> :pepeglasses:
[15:57] [D]Jusuf> lol
[15:57] Invisible2> mix i alreadx launched soz
[15:58] jammy out
[15:58] jammy in
[15:58] nah> sec. seems I was missing Network Framerate
[15:58] nah> or was it an update
[15:58] nah> I got PUP UP to install it
[15:58] Zpektrix_TAS> they were afk anyway
[15:58] nah> WHY tf did I clicked random POP UP on network framerate
[15:58] Invisible2> kk i take a break
[15:58] nah> to install
[15:58] Invisible2> mix host
[15:59] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:59] adray_tsi in
[15:59] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:59] adray_tsi out
[15:59] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:59] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> 2v2
[15:59] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> +3
[15:59] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:59] nah> gogo
[16:01] ScoobyDoo> im ack
[16:01] ScoobyDoo> back
[16:01] AtomicO_o> scooby nice bd
[16:01] ScoobyDoo> thx
[16:01] AtomicO_o> but tell to team
[16:01] AtomicO_o> next time
[16:01] ScoobyDoo> i did the point
[16:01] AtomicO_o> ;D
[16:02] ScoobyDoo> to guys see
[16:02] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> do 6p mix?
[16:02] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> me and kayin come?
[16:02] ScoobyDoo> but change walls bro
[16:02] AtomicO_o> all invited
[16:02] ScoobyDoo> kinda boring always same map
[16:02] AtomicO_o> ye
[16:02] AtomicO_o> what map
[16:02] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> do sess 6p. or mana battle
[16:02] nah> Sorry man could not even send braves to make huts
[16:02] Kayin> sec
[16:03] Kayin out
[16:03] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> AtomicO_o + Zpektrix_TAS + Maztodonte-Perras vs. Kayin + Greenpopgrowth_tsi + ScoobyDoo
[16:03] AtomicO_o> we waiting kayin?
[16:03] Kayin in
[16:03] AtomicO_o> tristan kayin's psot
[16:03] AtomicO_o> spot
[16:03] Kayin out
[16:03] Kayin in
[16:03] Kayin> its ok
[16:03] Kayin> i dont feel like playing long
[16:03] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> one game
[16:03] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> cmon
[16:03] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> :)
[16:03] AtomicO_o> +1
[16:04] Kayin> need to work tmr lol
[16:04] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> +2
[16:04] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> fair
[16:04] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> Where do you live?
[16:04] Kayin> its 00:04 already
[16:04] AtomicO_o> oh
[16:04] AtomicO_o> gn
[16:04] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> gn
[16:04] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> +1
[16:06] AtomicO_o> AtomicO_o + [AvA]TristanFR + Greenpopgrowth_tsi vs. [AsG]Manl1 + Maztodonte-Perras + ScoobyDoo
[16:06] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> Can I have a side base
[16:06] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> ty
[16:06] christo0972> 8P?
[16:06] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> no
[16:06] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> please
[16:07] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> tristan can you play 300 ping
[16:09] dumyjitop out
[16:09] dumyjitop in
[16:11] dumyjitop out
[16:12] dumyjitop in
[16:17] Kayin out
[16:18] [D]Jusuf out
[16:18] [D]ragonsDogma in
[16:20] [D]Jusuf in
[16:23] jammy> gg
[16:23] jammy> game crashed
[16:23] nah> Lost connection?
[16:23] nah> Ye I got that warning on bottom right corner
[16:23] nah> it said Lag Or Disconnected
[16:23] jammy> some memory dump error also on my end
[16:23] nah> I am back home so I further down to europe
[16:24] nah> we had around 200 Ping when I was in Belgium even on mobile network
[16:24] nah> and now I am in Bosnia on home netwrok
[16:24] nah> xD
[16:26] jammy out
[16:27] dumyjitop out
[16:31] jammy in
[16:36] [AvA]Soma- out
[16:36] jammy out
[16:44] Invisible2 out
[16:47] [D]Jusuf> :feelsglassesman:
[16:47] [GoD]Blanka> :joseph:
[16:47] [GoD]Blanka> :feelsglassesman:
[16:47] D4R_OP> :joseph:
[16:48] [AvA]JJaydenn> lol ofc joseph emoji is a frog looking like hes beating his meat the fag
[16:48] Invisible2 in
[16:48] D4R_OP in
[16:48] [GoD]Blanka> what you say to this one then? :manu:
[16:49] [D]Jusuf> jjay you are free to picture me doing whatever youd want
[16:49] [AvA]JJaydenn> thats what koopa does to his nurses hoping he gets some pussy
[16:49] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[16:49] D4R_OP> yo Jay, rematch vs Eric when
[16:49] Zpektrix_TAS> nope he's saving his money for meeting up with blanka
[16:49] D4R_OP> with gut allies ofc
[16:49] [AvA]JJaydenn> pretty sure my bird would dominate u jose u little gay boy lol
[16:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> Game
[16:50] [AvA]JJaydenn> no testostrome in u
[16:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> Or
[16:50] [GoD]Blanka> [17:49] Zpektrix_TAS> nope he's saving his money for meeting up with blanka
[16:50] D4R_OP> not now but will be propably soon Albert
[16:50] [GoD]Blanka> someone knows :p
[16:50] [D]Jusuf> no spelling lessons in you jjay
[16:50] [D]Jusuf> your bird is your momma
[16:50] [AvA]JJaydenn> eric sucks d4r idk why jimmy let them win so gay lol
[16:50] [AvA]JJaydenn> guy went afk for legit 15 mins xD
[16:50] [D]Jusuf> just try harder next time
[16:51] [AvA]JJaydenn> probs cos his bro on other team and he felt bad idk
[16:51] D4R_OP> na they smoked eric
[16:51] D4R_OP> i mean Jay with Sho
[16:51] [AvA]JJaydenn> eric was done lol
[16:51] [GoD]of_Madness in
[16:51] [GoD]Blanka> ye he was on low pop lol
[16:51] [AvA]JJaydenn> then jimmy went afk as a big base expecting us to finish 3 bases lol
[16:51] [GoD]Blanka> big sho
[16:51] [AvA]JJaydenn> can even ask sho urself now xD
[16:51] [D]Jusuf> lol
[16:51] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[16:51] D4R_OP> big sho in da house
[16:52] [GoD]of_Madness> dude jjay u still with that lmfao
[16:52] [GoD]Blanka> also spin: ja
[16:52] [GoD]Blanka> denke schon
[16:52] [AvA]JJaydenn> dr4 reminded me about it lol
[16:52] [GoD]of_Madness> but ye the summary is jimmy was a bitch that game
[16:52] [D]Jusuf> spin theres only cool people in huts atm
[16:52] D4R_OP> :kekw:
[16:52] [AvA]JJaydenn> never allying 2 inbreads again man
[16:52] [Rw]Jops in
[16:52] [AvA]JJaydenn> or 2 bros on diff teams
[16:52] D4R_OP> [AvA]JJaydenn> dr4 reminded me about it lol
[16:52] D4R_OP> coz it was painful man
[16:52] [GoD]Blanka> loool
[16:52] D4R_OP> we got this
[16:53] [GoD]of_Madness> but at least there a lesson to learn: finish ur opponents urself
[16:53] [GoD]of_Madness> trusting allies (specialkly retarded ones) aint no good
[16:53] [D]Jusuf> no tom
[16:53] [GoD]of_Madness> specially*
[16:53] [D]Jusuf> plz
[16:53] [D]Jusuf> i will gouge my eyes out
[16:53] [GoD]of_Madness> stfu! n lemme stab u :joseph:
[16:53] [D]Jusuf> :V
[16:53] D4R_OP out
[16:54] [AvA]JJaydenn> i want jimmy to upload that stream
[16:54] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[16:54] [AvA]JJaydenn> so u can see the dude afking for 15 fucking mins
[16:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> now u got eric beating his meat all night thinking he made some major comeback when our ally legit let um win lol
[16:55] [GoD]Blanka> lmfao
[16:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> actually pissed me off bad man lol
[16:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> had 2 go smoke 2 spliffs
[16:55] [GoD]of_Madness> roflll
[16:56] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[16:56] [GoD]of_Madness> like we didnt noticed how pissed u are man
[16:56] [GoD]of_Madness> :lol:
[16:56] [GoD]Blanka> he still is :nice:
[16:56] [AvA]JJaydenn> lool
[16:56] [D]Jusuf> jjay its ok, Eric is stronger than you
[16:56] [GoD]of_Madness> but big jjay anyway man
[16:56] D4R_OP> lool
[16:56] [D]Jusuf> just accept it, maybe he will train you
[16:56] [AvA]JJaydenn> my bird is stronger than u jose
[16:56] [GoD]of_Madness> guy comes from nowhere n reachs high level in no time
[16:56] [GoD]of_Madness> :clap:
[16:56] [GoD]of_Madness> big f0ken jjay man
[16:56] [D]Jusuf> I think if Eric trains you JJay you will be very strong player
[16:56] [GoD]Blanka out
[16:56] [GoD]of_Madness> the fkin fag man :clap:
[16:56] [GoD]of_Madness> the fag. :peeposjak:
[16:57] [AvA]JJaydenn> if eric trained me id become worse of a player lol
[16:57] [GoD]of_Madness> :pog:
[16:57] [AvA]JJaydenn> guy is a shitty spam birdview player
[16:57] Maztodonte-Perras> GRRTRRRRRRRR4RRRR
[16:57] [D]Jusuf> :V
[16:57] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse in
[16:57] AtomicO_o> damn mazto pwned tsi
[16:57] [D]Jusuf> :kekg:
[16:57] Maztodonte-Perras> jaja
[16:57] [GoD]of_Madness> omfg B :pog:
[16:57] Maztodonte-Perras> 2 volc in me base
[16:57] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> gg
[16:57] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lolol
[16:57] AtomicO_o out
[16:57] [AsG]Manl1> gg
[16:57] AtomicO_o in
[16:57] [AsG]Manl1> the volcs were helpful in terms of new def and land
[16:57] [AvA]JJaydenn> koopa nurse daym lol
[16:57] [GoD]of_Madness> bianca wearing nurse clothes now
[16:57] [AvA]TristanFR out
[16:58] D4R_OP> tf is this nickname Gwen
[16:58] D4R_OP> :feelsglassesman:
[16:58] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> xd
[16:58] [GoD]of_Madness> koopa gonna be like :pog::cucumber:
[16:58] Maztodonte-Perras out
[16:58] ScoobyDoo out
[16:58] D4R_OP> yo yo Riley
[16:58] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> yo
[16:58] Invisible2> wtf bianca
[16:58] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> :topkek:
[16:58] Invisible2> tell me you lost a fucking weird bet or something...
[16:59] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> ye i almost lost to mix
[16:59] [Rw]Jops> 2 secs
[16:59] [AsG]Manl1> lmao
[16:59] Invisible2> lol
[16:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> dw brandy its koopas kink
[16:59] [AsG]Manl1> poor bian
[16:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> koopa paid her 100 pound to re name to koopa nurse
[16:59] [AsG]Manl1> also it must be koopers_nurse
[16:59] [AsG]Manl1> that's the most confusing part
[16:59] [AsG]Manl1> she spelled kooper wrong
[16:59] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> XD
[16:59] Invisible2> wait for koopa with many syringes
[16:59] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> I can no longer :fap: to :bian:
[16:59] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> wtf
[17:00] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> looool
[17:00] [Rw]Jops> yeah i just said 2 secs
[17:00] [Rw]Jops> this map ok?
[17:00] [D]Jusuf> im gonna change my name to Jjays_bird
[17:00] D4R_OP> yes
[17:00] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> sure
[17:00] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> hard map
[17:00] Invisible2> lol jjay
[17:00] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lmfao joseph
[17:00] [AvA]JJaydenn> oh hell nah ill report u if u do jose
[17:00] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> can jusuf host
[17:00] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> better ping
[17:00] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> for us all
[17:00] [Rw]Jops> dunno, can he?
[17:00] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> imagine
[17:00] [D]Jusuf> i cant host anymore
[17:00] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> why
[17:00] [D]Jusuf> my net been unstable
[17:00] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> well im not playing 300+ ping for us all lol
[17:01] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> koopa will change his name to jjays_bitch
[17:01] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> nearly 400 xd
[17:01] [Rw]Jops> it will calm down in a bit
[17:01] [Rw]Jops> i was just playing a diff game on steam]
[17:01] D4R_OP> yo wtf is this
[17:01] D4R_OP> nice pings
[17:01] D4R_OP> man
[17:01] [Rw]Jops> can you read
[17:01] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> Can you relax?
[17:01] [Rw]Jops> i know right
[17:01] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> :pog:
[17:01] D4R_OP> na i can't
[17:01] D4R_OP> sorry
[17:01] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> He's allowed to comment on 300 ping
[17:01] [AsG]Manl1> :pog:
[17:01] Zpektrix_TAS> jjays_bitch26
[17:01] D4R_OP> just typing shi here
[17:01] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lmfao
[17:01] Zpektrix_TAS> you forgot numbers
[17:01] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> true
[17:01] christo0972> 6P?
[17:02] Greenpopgrowth_tsi out
[17:02] T-Rod in
[17:02] [Rw]Jops out
[17:02] [AsG]Manl1> :howdy:
[17:02] christo0972> 6p ??
[17:02] Greenpopgrowth_tsi in
[17:02] D4R_OP> :manu:
[17:02] [AsG]Manl1> :manu:
[17:02] [GoD]of_Madness> get multi-stabbed trod :joseph:
[17:02] [Rw]Jops in
[17:02] [GoD]of_Madness> super pro game of sess 66-8p when
[17:02] [GoD]of_Madness> 6-8 *
[17:03] Invisible2> [18:00] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> koopa will change his name to jjays_bitch
[17:03] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> idk sho
[17:03] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> pros aint on
[17:03] Invisible2> so not to "Bianca's patient"?
[17:03] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> i doubt he will xd
[17:03] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> he is into his hotty name too much
[17:04] [D]Jusuf> pings high still lol
[17:04] [D]Jusuf> joppers
[17:04] [Rw]Jops> i know, weird
[17:04] Invisible2> ye prolly becasue hottie remember him hottog
[17:04] [D]Jusuf> but im high for riley too
[17:04] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lmao ye
[17:04] [D]Jusuf out
[17:04] Invisible2> btw hi trod
[17:04] [Rw]Jops out
[17:04] D4R_OP out
[17:04] D4R_OP in
[17:04] [D]Jusuf in
[17:05] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> get ping christo
[17:05] christo0972> ok
[17:05] christo0972> brb
[17:05] christo0972 out
[17:05] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> what map
[17:05] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> I want a chill map
[17:05] christo0972 in
[17:06] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> map?
[17:06] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> I want a chill one
[17:06] D4R_OP> 4balls then ofc
[17:06] [D]Jusuf> idm map
[17:06] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> i want a chill map too
[17:06] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> mana?
[17:06] christo0972> any
[17:06] [D]Jusuf> i just dont want any quitting to happen
[17:06] D4R_OP> or mana
[17:06] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> I wont quit
[17:06] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> you know that
[17:06] D4R_OP> will be gud too
[17:06] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> you got christo tho
[17:06] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> oh i didnt see balls
[17:06] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> but christo got riley
[17:06] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> so no quitting
[17:06] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> yeah we can do that
[17:06] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> <3
[17:06] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> mix
[17:06] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> wp last game
[17:07] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> if it wasnt for bd
[17:07] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> you guys had me
[17:07] AtomicO_o> push?
[17:07] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> no the walls game today lol
[17:07] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> push was awefull :kekyou:
[17:07] AtomicO_o> oh ure bianca
[17:07] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lmao
[17:07] AtomicO_o> lol
[17:08] AtomicO_o> yea ty im trying changing style play
[17:08] Invisible2> 1 month with that name is so confusing
[17:08] [D]Jusuf> hopefully the quittin part
[17:08] [AsG]Manl1> it was very confusing
[17:08] [AsG]Manl1> why your shaman went on that tiny hill mix
[17:08] [AsG]Manl1> at the very end
[17:08] [AsG]Manl1> it was obvious she would get stuck for a while there
[17:08] [AsG]Manl1> made it very easy :D
[17:09] AtomicO_o> ye jusuf that
[17:09] AtomicO_o> help alot no quit
[17:09] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> ye
[17:09] AtomicO_o> to improve to be solid
[17:09] Invisible2> yo im not playing
[17:09] Invisible2> just check something
[17:09] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:09] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> well i am not quitting anymore but i didnt improve either :kek:
[17:09] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:09] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> at least i dont ruin other peoples games
[17:09] AtomicO_o> u need monito with good refresh rate bianca
[17:09] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:09] AtomicO_o> monitor
[17:09] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:10] AtomicO_o> listen me
[17:10] AtomicO_o> 100 hz at least
[17:10] [Rw]Jops in
[17:10] [GoD]of_Madness> find the slower one challenge: :peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::clap::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peeposjak::peepos
[17:10] [GoD]of_Madness> :pog:
[17:10] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> :clap:
[17:10] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> ez
[17:10] [GoD]of_Madness> :D
[17:11] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> but there is no more
[17:11] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> yeah he did
[17:11] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> :peepofap:
[17:11] [GoD]of_Madness> yeh
[17:11] [Rw]Jops out
[17:11] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> and no mix i wont get another monitor
[17:11] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> just for pop lol
[17:12] AtomicO_o> also for other games is good
[17:12] [AsG]Manl1> bianca doesnt play any other games
[17:12] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> i dont need for skribblio
[17:12] [AsG]Manl1> :O
[17:12] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> :kek:
[17:12] [AsG]Manl1> oh shit
[17:12] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> i do
[17:12] [AsG]Manl1> i forgot that
[17:12] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> pop 2
[17:12] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> aoe2
[17:12] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> ron
[17:12] [AsG]Manl1> that game of skribblio was hilarious
[17:12] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> xd
[17:12] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> its fun
[17:18] nah> We have new players
[17:19] nah> Would it be good to Put all Tutorials for Online on Discord page?
[17:19] matzetwo in
[17:20] matzetwo out
[17:26] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[17:27] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:27] [SW]Sinegeiros in
[17:27] [D]ragonsDogma out
[17:27] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:28] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> arbrim jjay is still mad about yesterdays game
[17:28] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> :kek:
[17:28] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:28] [GoD]of_Madness> big spin on all the dicks :pog::cucumber:
[17:28] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:29] AtomicO_o> hey arbrim
[17:31] -Johan out
[17:35] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> Koopa stop being afk and join
[17:35] [GoD]of_Madness> u've heard ur nurse already theres no way u aint obeying brah
[17:35] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lmfao
[17:36] AtomicO_o> anyway rod afk
[17:36] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> how you know
[17:37] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> doom saw tom and insta joined
[17:37] [D]Doom> true
[17:37] [D]Doom> :)
[17:37] T-Rod> hello
[17:37] Invisible2> I bet koopa thinks he was already in the hut because he reads "Koopa" on Bianca's name
[17:37] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lool
[17:37] T-Rod> T-Rod + [AvA]JJaydenn + [GoD]Koopas_Nurse + [D]Doom vs. Zpektrix_TAS + [GoD]Spinnifix + AtomicO_o + [GoD]of_Madness
[17:37] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :mooresy:
[17:37] T-Rod> best ok?
[17:37] MrSmokin_Hottie26> where all this shit talk coming from
[17:37] [SW]Sinegeiros> sry wasnt here
[17:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> you mean gGaydenn
[17:38] MrSmokin_Hottie26> yo brandi i hear ur game is effing up
[17:38] MrSmokin_Hottie26> wut os u using
[17:38] [AvA]JJaydenn> sw = rednecks
[17:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> MAAAGA
[17:38] Lawyer_Johnson in
[17:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> make sure you keep crying
[17:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> silly slut
[17:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> br
[17:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> brb
[17:39] [AvA]JJaydenn> crying ? lol
[17:39] MrSmokin_Hottie26> good lord that name change :cringe:
[17:39] [AvA]JJaydenn> imagine asking ur bro to afk 15 mins 2 win a game u sad queer lol
[17:39] [AvA]JJaydenn> get him 2 upload that stream
[17:42] ScoobyDoo in
[17:42] ScoobyDoo out
[17:43] [SW]Sinegeiros> I cant get him do anything except upduck your slutty mother had has made a slutty ggayden
[17:43] [SW]Sinegeiros> Fucking retarded stupid shit
[17:44] [D]Jusuf> GGGG
[17:44] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> ggwp
[17:44] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> ty for the game
[17:44] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> gn
[17:44] christo0972> gn
[17:44] christo0972> ty
[17:44] D4R_OP> dang, even my pop graph sucked ass
[17:44] D4R_OP> :monkagun:
[17:44] [D]Jusuf> gn christo
[17:44] [D]Jusuf> or gn riley
[17:44] [D]Jusuf> lol
[17:44] [D]Jusuf> weell you were vs riley radek
[17:45] nah out
[17:45] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> Yeah teams werent very fair, you did well
[17:45] christo0972> bad idea the side
[17:45] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> Christo is pretty decent at walls too
[17:45] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> Whos side?
[17:45] [D]Jusuf> christo did terrible side
[17:45] christo0972> i side yel but die XD
[17:46] [D]Jusuf> thats how i got into his base xD
[17:46] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> ah
[17:46] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> Good attempt tho
[17:46] [D]Jusuf> and it took him a while to side so very obvious hahhah
[17:46] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> thats why i doubled
[17:46] [D]Jusuf> ye good try
[17:46] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> cuz i didnt want him to get taken out, i was just gonna volc red
[17:46] Greenpopgrowth_tsi out
[17:46] christo0972> but at this moment red need to attach blue
[17:47] [SW]Sinegeiros out
[17:52] TMS-abraline in
[17:55] Sherminator in
[17:57] Sherminator out
[17:59] nah in
[17:59] nah out
[17:59] nah in
[18:03] tays in
[18:05] Junquero in
[18:06] [D]Jusuf> where are you from Mazto
[18:07] TMS-abraline> costa rica
[18:07] [D]Jusuf> ahhh
[18:07] [D]Jusuf> usa
[18:11] Mowgli in
[18:12] [D]Jusuf> hi jungle boy
[18:13] Mowgli> hi
[18:19] nah> Do we have a game?
[18:20] nah> 20
[18:20] nah> 17
[18:20] nah> 15
[18:20] nah> 13
[18:20] nah> 11
[18:20] nah> 9
[18:20] nah> 6
[18:20] nah> 3
[18:20] nah> 0
[18:20] nah> ok
[18:20] nah> nope
[18:22] Zpektrix_TAS> boring
[18:22] AtomicO_o> tom is boring
[18:22] AtomicO_o> it*
[18:22] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:22] AtomicO_o> ITSé
[18:22] [AvA]JJaydenn> that was boring but gg lol
[18:22] Zpektrix_TAS in
[18:22] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> very lol
[18:22] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg
[18:22] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> gg
[18:22] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:22] Zpektrix_TAS in
[18:23] T-Rod out
[18:23] [AvA]JJaydenn> aint getting no luck with s clicks recently
[18:23] T-Rod in
[18:23] [AvA]JJaydenn> then u get spin hitting back to back everytime from towers n shit aswell
[18:23] T-Rod> gg wp
[18:23] [AvA]JJaydenn> like what the fk lol
[18:24] T-Rod> was hard to make trooping huts
[18:24] T-Rod> cos no trees :mooresy:
[18:24] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> ye lol
[18:24] T-Rod> had to dismantle huts
[18:24] T-Rod> oh its bianca
[18:25] T-Rod> who coulda guessed
[18:25] [D]Doom> I don't know how my team won it was 3v5 because I didn't do anything, lol
[18:25] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> :kekw:
[18:25] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> doom check stats
[18:25] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> i was the burden in our team lol
[18:25] T-Rod> was scared doom saying "gg" usually means they think we´re losing
[18:25] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lmao
[18:26] T-Rod> i didnt do anything too all game
[18:26] T-Rod> just expanded
[18:26] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> :nice:
[18:26] [GoD]of_Madness> i guess koopa's nurses even learned how to play pop from watching the oldman do it out of boreness :kek:
[18:26] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lmfao
[18:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> was isch dis fuer a name
[18:26] T-Rod> loved how tower s clicks kept hitting shogun
[18:26] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lmao
[18:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> +5
[18:27] T-Rod> ok
[18:27] Mowgli out
[18:28] T-Rod> i saw tsu building to spins core last game
[18:28] T-Rod> loool
[18:28] [GoD]of_Madness> i even had to tell him to stop
[18:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[18:28] [GoD]of_Madness> didnt work though
[18:28] [GoD]of_Madness> guy doesnt realise we needed spin recovered to psh up
[18:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> uncontrolable
[18:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> did u see the matrix
[18:29] [GoD]of_Madness> lool
[18:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> in my base
[18:29] [GoD]of_Madness> wish i did
[18:30] T-Rod> its a race to take max land to urself
[18:30] T-Rod> smart
[18:30] T-Rod> only if there were trees
[18:30] T-Rod> and allies had enough land too
[18:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> +3 only
[18:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> +2
[18:31] [D]Jusuf> RUHIG
[18:31] T-Rod> loved how jjayden ate my back trees, and complained how doom ate hes :kekw:
[18:31] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> only
[18:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> +2 only
[18:31] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lool
[18:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye
[18:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> +1 only
[18:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> +0 only
[18:31] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> its sess tho
[18:31] Invisible2> sec
[18:31] Invisible2 out
[18:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + [AsG]Manl1 + [D]Jusuf + [GoD]of_Madness vs. Zpektrix_TAS + Invisible2 + [GoD]Koopas_Nurse + T-Rod
[18:31] [Rw]Ninety in
[18:32] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:32] [D]Jusuf> alan bad
[18:32] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lol
[18:32] Zpektrix_TAS in
[18:32] [Rw]Ninety> " Koopas_Nurse " not sure if thats weird, creepy or sexy
[18:32] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lmfao
[18:32] Zpektrix_TAS> creepy one
[18:32] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[18:32] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:32] Zpektrix_TAS in
[18:32] T-Rod> need a lil break
[18:32] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> 90 want my spot?
[18:32] T-Rod> bbl
[18:32] Zpektrix_TAS> because its sparkling green monster
[18:32] [Rw]Ninety> no thanks
[18:33] Invisible2 in
[18:33] T-Rod> spin did u stream last game
[18:33] T-Rod> ?
[18:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> no
[18:33] [Rw]Ninety> besides theres extra spots in that hut lol
[18:33] [GoD]of_Madness> get the fuck back in trod tf :joseph:
[18:33] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> i did tho
[18:33] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lol
[18:33] T-Rod> oh i wanna see
[18:33] T-Rod> whats ur link
[18:33] [GoD]of_Madness> bitchchen
[18:33] T-Rod> or maybe one more game
[18:33] [GoD]of_Madness> :monkamega:
[18:33] [D]Jusuf> kpasnurse69@twitch.com
[18:33] T-Rod> :wow:
[18:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + [AsG]Manl1 + [D]Jusuf + [GoD]of_Madness vs. Zpektrix_TAS + T-Rod + [GoD]Koopas_Nurse + Invisible2
[18:33] [GoD]of_Madness> :pog: 69
[18:37] [D]Doom out
[18:37] [Rw]Ninety out
[18:37] [D]Doom in
[18:37] [Rw]Ninety in
[18:38] AtomicO_o out
[18:38] AtomicO_o in
[18:41] [Rw]Headhunterz in
[18:44] Junquero out
[18:45] tays out
[18:49] [D]Doom in
[18:51] [D]Doom out
[18:53] Viezeharry in
[18:55] Junquero in
[18:55] [GoD]of_Madness out
[18:56] Warp_drive> Gay love for all
[18:57] [GoD]of_Madness in
[19:02] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> alright
[19:02] [Rw]Headhunterz> tsu i thought you said you werent gonna play sess till 2026
[19:02] [GoD]of_Madness> but a super pro geim :pog:
[19:02] [D]Jusuf> gg
[19:02] [GoD]of_Madness> wut*
[19:02] [Rw]Headhunterz> i log in your playing sess :P
[19:02] T-Rod> gg
[19:02] Zpektrix_TAS out
[19:02] T-Rod> thought we were winning
[19:02] Zpektrix_TAS in
[19:02] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> tsu gave up
[19:02] T-Rod> 4 a while
[19:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg
[19:02] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> sent all his pop
[19:03] Zpektrix_TAS> you should have hosted brandy
[19:03] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> to shaman
[19:03] [GoD]of_Madness> gg spin op
[19:03] Zpektrix_TAS> never let others host
[19:03] T-Rod> my performance wasnt best tho
[19:03] Zpektrix_TAS out
[19:03] Zpektrix_TAS in
[19:03] [D]Jusuf> trod ur lites were on point
[19:03] Zpektrix_TAS> picking shit maps 2 times in a row
[19:03] Invisible2> what?
[19:03] T-Rod> yaa got lucky on u yusuf¨
[19:03] T-Rod> but luck doesnt work vs spin
[19:03] [GoD]of_Madness> if isnt my brah! :pog::cucumber:
[19:03] Invisible2> Invisible2 + Zpektrix_TAS + [GoD]of_Madness + [GoD]Spinnifix vs. [AsG]Manl1 + T-Rod + MrSmokin_Hottie26 + [Rw]Headhunterz
[19:03] Invisible2> map?
[19:03] T-Rod> töm?
[19:03] [GoD]of_Madness> welling ?
[19:04] [D]Jusuf> :pog:
[19:04] Invisible2> you want tom trod?
[19:04] [Rw]Headhunterz> tsu will love tom :P
[19:04] T-Rod> sure
[19:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> wanna do walls?
[19:04] Invisible2> you host then i cba with tom soz
[19:04] [D]Jusuf> Kpa
[19:04] [D]Jusuf> notice anything different
[19:04] [Rw]Headhunterz> spin host
[19:04] T-Rod> some small map plz
[19:04] [Rw]Headhunterz> ir trid
[19:04] T-Rod> brain cant handle multitask
[19:04] [Rw]Headhunterz> or trod
[19:05] T-Rod> maybe wom
[19:05] Zpektrix_TAS> brandy
[19:05] Zpektrix_TAS> wotg time ?
[19:05] MrSmokin_Hottie26> ye i seen :cringe:
[19:05] [GoD]of_Madness> wom, wom, wom, wom, oppa gagnan style! :feelsdabman:
[19:05] [D]Jusuf> lololol
[19:05] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> gg wp
[19:05] Invisible2> you can have pro game tsu
[19:05] MrSmokin_Hottie26> notice a 20% increase in shit talkin too
[19:05] Zpektrix_TAS> nope
[19:05] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lmao
[19:06] MrSmokin_Hottie26> my good name draggd in the mud
[19:06] Zpektrix_TAS> not playing small maps again
[19:06] Zpektrix_TAS> lets go
[19:06] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> "good name"
[19:06] [GoD]of_Madness> pikaaaaaaaaaaaa.... :cringe:
[19:06] MrSmokin_Hottie26> 16 yrs of prestine rep
[19:06] christo0972> gg
[19:06] MrSmokin_Hottie26> tarnishd :fu:
[19:06] T-Rod> can do push too
[19:06] T-Rod> or walls
[19:06] MrSmokin_Hottie26> do push
[19:06] T-Rod> ok
[19:06] [GoD]of_Madness> :eggplant::fu:
[19:06] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> ye so i have smth to watch
[19:06] [AsG]Manl1> puuush
[19:06] MrSmokin_Hottie26> u can make me front
[19:06] T-Rod> vs spin
[19:06] T-Rod> k
[19:06] MrSmokin_Hottie26> ye sounds ez enuff
[19:06] T-Rod> T-Rod + TMS-abraline + MrSmokin_Hottie26 + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. christo0972 + [GoD]of_Madness + [GoD]Spinnifix + [AsG]Manl1
[19:07] T-Rod> best ok?
[19:07] [GoD]of_Madness> :pog::cucumber::eggplant::fu: <--------- sword fight
[19:07] [AsG]Manl1> yeee
[19:07] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lmao
[19:07] T-Rod> u wanna host it kpa?
[19:07] [Rw]Headhunterz> lets gooooo
[19:07] T-Rod> since ur front
[19:07] christo0972> gn all
[19:07] christo0972 out
[19:07] T-Rod> gn
[19:07] [Rw]Headhunterz> we lost our nub
[19:07] [D]Jusuf> :pepestab:
[19:07] [Rw]Headhunterz> we need a new scrub
[19:07] [AsG]Manl1> joseph
[19:07] [GoD]of_Madness> aaaaaaaand it sgone
[19:07] [D]Jusuf> :peepostab:
[19:07] [AsG]Manl1> wnat another game?
[19:07] [AsG]Manl1> :D
[19:08] [GoD]of_Madness> rip christus dumbeldore
[19:08] [GoD]of_Madness> :praY:
[19:08] [D]Jusuf> well i hate this game
[19:08] [AsG]Manl1> awww
[19:08] [D]Jusuf> but sure
[19:08] [GoD]of_Madness> :blesS:
[19:08] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> same joseph lol
[19:08] [AsG]Manl1> loook who we've got <3
[19:08] T-Rod> T-Rod + [D]Jusuf + [GoD]of_Madness + [AsG]Manl1 vs. [GoD]Spinnifix + TMS-abraline + MrSmokin_Hottie26 + [Rw]Headhunterz
[19:08] T-Rod> can i trade shogun and kpa
[19:08] [Rw]Headhunterz> lets do this
[19:08] T-Rod> spin?
[19:08] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lmao
[19:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> idm
[19:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> ask shogun
[19:08] T-Rod> k
[19:08] [GoD]of_Madness> tf
[19:08] T-Rod> shogun is fine
[19:08] [GoD]of_Madness> why would utrade me
[19:08] [GoD]of_Madness> im op
[19:08] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> loooooooool
[19:08] [GoD]of_Madness> :pog:
[19:08] T-Rod> we need someone front
[19:08] [Rw]Headhunterz> op in your head
[19:09] [Rw]Ninety> :bian:
[19:09] [GoD]of_Madness> nvm gtg rn
[19:09] [GoD]of_Madness out
[19:09] [Rw]Ninety> age?
[19:09] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol
[19:09] T-Rod> ok
[19:09] [Rw]Headhunterz> are you making me front?
[19:09] T-Rod> i was thinking best players front
[19:09] [D]Jusuf> if i leave you can 3v3
[19:09] [D]Jusuf> ?
[19:09] T-Rod> spin and kpa
[19:10] [AsG]Manl1> no
[19:10] [AsG]Manl1> joseph
[19:10] [AsG]Manl1> we need you
[19:10] [AsG]Manl1> :pepelove:
[19:10] [D]Jusuf> :peeposad:
[19:10] T-Rod> 3 v 3 too hard anyway
[19:10] T-Rod> 4 v 4 anything can happen
[19:10] T-Rod> like it thats why
[19:10] [Rw]Headhunterz> alan or bianca
[19:10] [Rw]Headhunterz> join
[19:10] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> alan
[19:10] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> i spec
[19:10] [Rw]Ninety> [16:09] [Rw]Ninety> age?
[19:10] [Rw]Ninety> @ bian
[19:10] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> age what
[19:10] T-Rod> ninety?
[19:10] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> ohhh
[19:10] [Rw]Ninety> of empires
[19:10] [D]Jusuf> bian is 27
[19:10] [D]Jusuf> you pervy
[19:10] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lmao
[19:11] TMS-abraline> biancaaaaaaaaaa
[19:11] TMS-abraline> grrrrr
[19:11] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> ican ye
[19:11] [D]Jusuf> shes a young lady
[19:11] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> :pepelove:
[19:11] [Rw]Ninety> you host?
[19:11] T-Rod> all pop players underage kids
[19:11] [Rw]Headhunterz> wow wow
[19:11] [Rw]Headhunterz> im old
[19:11] [Rw]Headhunterz> thanks
[19:11] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lemme see how i do that lol
[19:11] [D]Jusuf> how old are you hh?
[19:11] [Rw]Headhunterz> 33 :P
[19:11] [D]Jusuf> bruh
[19:11] [D]Jusuf> you arent old
[19:12] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> you are offline 90
[19:12] [D]Jusuf> or i'm old too :monkamega:
[19:12] T-Rod> spin can u tell gud teams
[19:12] [Rw]Headhunterz> we are get used to it lol
[19:12] T-Rod> i need kpa my front to carry me
[19:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> do any u like
[19:12] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> how about we do that later
[19:12] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> this will be nice to watch here
[19:12] T-Rod> T-Rod + [D]Jusuf + [AsG]Manl1 + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. [D]Doom + [GoD]Spinnifix + TMS-abraline + MrSmokin_Hottie26
[19:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye thats fine
[19:12] [Rw]Ninety> :<
[19:12] T-Rod> how abt i switch kpa and someone
[19:12] T-Rod> ?
[19:12] [D]Doom> what?
[19:12] [Rw]Headhunterz> put me on spin team
[19:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> give mem nal1 then
[19:12] T-Rod> ok
[19:12] [Rw]Ninety> doubt it, someone will quit by the 10 min mark
[19:12] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lmao
[19:13] [D]Jusuf> ninety means doom
[19:13] [D]Doom> ;p;
[19:13] [D]Jusuf> doom will quit by 10 min mark
[19:13] [D]Jusuf> :kekg:
[19:13] [D]Doom> maybe before
[19:13] [Rw]Ninety> i said someone but if thats how you rate your clan mates
[19:13] [Rw]Ninety> sure
[19:13] [Rw]Ninety> :joseph:
[19:13] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lolol
[19:13] [D]Doom> no best?
[19:13] [D]Jusuf> a quittin D still better than an RW
[19:14] [Rw]Headhunterz> excuse me
[19:14] [Rw]Headhunterz> you wanne say that again
[19:14] [AsG]Manl1> :manu:
[19:14] [D]Jusuf> :pog:
[19:14] [Rw]Ninety> let me open the game
[19:15] urepopulous2 in
[19:17] [D]Doom out
[19:17] TMS-abraline> fuck you doom
[19:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> ````
[19:17] TMS-abraline> fssss
[19:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> ???
[19:17] [D]Jusuf> i cannot play with you anymore doom
[19:17] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :pog:
[19:18] [Rw]Headhunterz> ffs man
[19:18] MrSmokin_Hottie26> !
[19:18] [D]Jusuf> you make game unfun
[19:18] T-Rod> tf happened
[19:18] [Rw]Headhunterz> why do you always waste the time of 7 other people doom
[19:18] T-Rod> doom ur like best player here
[19:18] MrSmokin_Hottie26> got no clue
[19:18] [Rw]Headhunterz> go play a different game you morron
[19:18] [Rw]Jops> bahahah did he quit again
[19:18] [D]Jusuf> ye
[19:18] [D]Jusuf> he quit more than mix
[19:18] [AsG]Manl1> :<
[19:18] AtomicO_o> impossible
[19:18] [Rw]Jops> unreal hahaha
[19:19] AtomicO_o> :D
[19:19] [Rw]Headhunterz> so done with the guy
[19:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> he had best base
[19:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> wtf?
[19:19] [AsG]Manl1> that was the problem
[19:19] [Rw]Jops> I dont understand how he ended up this way, he was great until like a month ago
[19:19] [D]Jusuf> doom like things his way only
[19:19] [AsG]Manl1> that he didnt have a worse base
[19:19] [D]Jusuf> or he will not play
[19:19] nah> did he got EQ?
[19:20] AtomicO_o> rod waiting u on side
[19:20] nah> was ally missing half of the tower in 10th second
[19:20] [Rw]Headhunterz> who the hell cares what base you have just get on with it
[19:20] nah> if no then his game crashed
[19:20] [Rw]Headhunterz> il be front back side bottom top
[19:20] [Rw]Headhunterz> whatever
[19:20] [D]Jusuf> south base
[19:20] [Rw]Jops> Man Jo, time to get out of D
[19:20] T-Rod> spots ok?
[19:20] [D]Jusuf> nah, doom dont really reflect d in that regard
[19:20] [Rw]Jops> before long people will be like "oh man Jo is just like doom, they just quit together"
[19:20] [D]Jusuf> he an outlier
[19:21] AtomicO_o> can we go
[19:28] Junquero out
[19:28] Svarog in
[19:37] [Rw]Jops in
[19:41] Junquero in
[19:48] GyLala out
[19:49] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[19:49] [Rw]Headhunterz> gg
[19:49] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :king:
[19:49] T-Rod> big koopa never failing front
[19:49] T-Rod> cos hes pro
[19:49] [Rw]Headhunterz> men rough start i got trown in the water like 7 times
[19:50] MrSmokin_Hottie26> turns out i know a couple of a few things bout pop ;)
[19:51] TMS-abraline out
[19:52] Junquero out
[19:53] [AsG]manl1> you have a personal nurse
[19:53] [AsG]manl1> of course you can focus on pop
[19:57] [D]Jusuf out
[20:01] [D]Jusuf in
[20:02] [Rw]Ninety> brb x ping
[20:02] [Rw]Ninety out
[20:02] Junquero in
[20:03] [Rw]Ninety in
[20:03] [Rw]Ninety out
[20:03] [Rw]Ninety in
[20:04] [Rw]Ninety> [Rw]Headhunterz + Viezeharry + [GoD]Koopas_Nurse + nah vs. [Rw]Jops + Svarog + [Rw]Ninety + MrSmokin_Hottie26
[20:04] [Rw]Headhunterz> guess thats it then
[20:14] [AvA]JJaydenn> yo jose
[20:14] Junquero out
[20:15] Saito_Vdm in
[20:15] [D]Jusuf> :howdy"
[20:15] [D]Jusuf> :howdy:
[20:16] Mowgli in
[20:19] [SW]BardiKing> We are without electricity 25 hours now
[20:19] Saito_Vdm> awefull
[20:19] Saito_Vdm> where is that?
[20:20] [D]Jusuf> Albania
[20:21] Mowgli> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[20:21] [D]Jusuf> Sorry to hear Bardhi, thats very shitty
[20:21] nah out
[20:21] [D]Jusuf> hopefully power will come back on soon
[20:21] [AsG]Manl1> :manu:
[20:22] Invisible2> gg
[20:22] [AvA]JJaydenn> pp
[20:22] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[20:24] Invisible2> Invisible2 + [AsG]Manl1 + Mowgli + D4R_OP vs. Saito_Vdm + [SW]Fried_Rice + [D]Jusuf + [AvA]JJaydenn
[20:24] nah in
[20:24] Invisible2> map?
[20:24] nah> something is wrong with my PC
[20:24] Mowgli> sess
[20:24] nah out
[20:24] nah in
[20:24] nah> my screen blinks every second
[20:24] [AsG]Manl1> sessssss
[20:25] Invisible2> d4 relog mate
[20:25] D4R_OP out
[20:25] Invisible2> as you wish
[20:25] [D]Jusuf> check your cables nah
[20:25] nah> and when I try to click on something cursor moves for few pixels
[20:25] D4R_OP in
[20:25] nah> just played other RTS
[20:25] nah> and LITERALLY I would try to click on middle of screen just to end up in the corner
[20:25] Invisible2> trod you wanna play?
[20:25] T-Rod> u go play
[20:25] nah> maybe my brain is not braining xD
[20:25] Invisible2> can take my spot and host sess
[20:25] nah> well
[20:25] nah> sorry for that
[20:25] nah out
[20:26] [D]Jusuf> jops :youdied:
[20:26] [Rw]Jops> you could have said literally anything cohesive before leaving nah
[20:26] [Rw]Jops> instead of
[20:26] [Rw]Jops> "omg"
[20:26] [Rw]Jops> "what"
[20:26] [Rw]Jops> "i dont believe this"
[20:26] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> [21:25] nah out
[20:27] [Rw]Jops> nah> my screen blinks every second
[20:27] [Rw]Jops> he logged back in right after that lol
[20:27] [Rw]Ninety> he lost 3 shaman fights in a row
[20:27] [Rw]Ninety> thats why he quit
[20:27] [Rw]Ninety> no lag out bs lol
[20:28] [Rw]Jops> it wasnt lag it was "ohoez noez my screen you guys" and then quit
[20:28] [Rw]Jops> such horseshit
[20:28] Svarog out
[20:29] [Rw]Jops out
[20:29] [Rw]Jops in
[20:31] D4R_OP in
[20:31] ScoobyDoo in
[20:32] D4R_OP out
[20:32] Lucas in
[20:36] [Rw]Ninety out
[20:37] Lucas out
[20:39] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[20:41] ScoobyDoo out
[20:51] Junquero in
[20:55] [Rw]Jops> what we playin
[20:55] Mowgli> a good map
[20:55] Viezeharry> tom? sess?
[20:55] [Rw]Jops> could do Tom?
[20:56] Mowgli> hey thats my spot
[20:56] [Rw]Jops> nah you kept fucking around and leaving
[20:56] Mowgli> i was traying to get ping
[20:56] [Rw]Jops> oh right lol
[20:56] [Rw]Jops> then yes it is
[20:56] Invisible2> gg
[20:56] Invisible2> ty for carry team
[20:56] Saito_Vdm> i wont carry like that ever again
[20:56] Mowgli> hope u lose
[20:57] [AvA]JJaydenn> since when did brandy have super hosting skills
[20:57] Invisible2> lmao saito
[20:57] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> since i helped :nice:
[20:57] Invisible2> you did very good tbh
[20:57] Invisible2> i have new internet
[20:57] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> iaint doing tom get someone else wtf
[20:57] [Rw]Jops> lol
[20:57] [Rw]Jops> i asked
[20:58] [Rw]Jops> and no one gave an answer
[20:58] [Rw]Jops> other than viez saying to
[20:58] [Rw]Jops> tom
[20:58] [AvA]JJaydenn> bella brandy come
[20:58] Invisible2> its restricted
[20:58] [SW]Fried_Rice> im not allowed in his games lol
[20:58] [AvA]JJaydenn> why wtf lol
[20:58] [SW]Fried_Rice> im blocked
[20:58] [Rw]Jops> so dumb
[20:58] D4R_OP> spin banned bella i guess
[20:58] D4R_OP> ye
[20:58] [AvA]JJaydenn> why u got bella blocked spin
[20:58] [D]Jusuf> WHATTTT
[20:58] [D]Jusuf> what did you do to him bella
[20:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> she got me
[20:59] D4R_OP> lol
[20:59] [D]Jusuf> eating
[20:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> well unblock eachother for more games dont have 2 chat 2 each other lol
[20:59] [Rw]Jops> I would have done sess if anyone else voiced an ipinion
[20:59] jamiesr in
[20:59] T-Rod> T-Rod + [Rw]Jops + [AvA]JJaydenn + MrSmokin_Hottie26 vs. [AsG]Manl1 + [GoD]Spinnifix + D4R_OP + [Rw]Headhunterz
[20:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> diff map plz
[20:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> just done sess
[20:59] T-Rod> what map
[20:59] T-Rod> töm?
[20:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> i dont mind being blocked but guess he doesnt want to play lol
[20:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> nah lol
[20:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> urmm
[20:59] T-Rod> walls ok
[20:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> gin tonic?
[20:59] [Rw]Jops> I just tried tom and everyone left in tears before launching
[20:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> okok
[21:00] T-Rod> spin choose ur allies
[21:00] [Rw]Jops> Gin T a good shout
[21:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> notbest
[21:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> ?
[21:00] [Rw]Jops> or Clover mayhem
[21:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> or u mean bases
[21:00] T-Rod> but i got koopa and jjay
[21:00] T-Rod> is it fair
[21:00] [Rw]Headhunterz> i dont care as long as my allies dont suck monkey dick
[21:00] [Rw]Jops> You got me lol
[21:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> hmm
[21:00] [Rw]Jops> its 3v4
[21:00] T-Rod> aaah
[21:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> its ok i guess
[21:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> me and manl1 front
[21:01] T-Rod> as u wish
[21:01] T-Rod> k
[21:01] T-Rod> who miod
[21:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> d4r center
[21:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> headhunters very back
[21:01] [Rw]Jops> stick me back
[21:01] Invisible2> 2v2? 3v1?
[21:04] jamiesr out
[21:04] jamiesr in
[21:05] jamiesr out
[21:05] jamiesr in
[21:10] Invisible2> you guys wanna do some 1v1v1 or 2v1 or something? or just wait?
[21:10] [SW]Fried_Rice> ill wait a bit
[21:10] Viezeharry> 2v2 sess?
[21:11] Invisible2> kk
[21:11] Invisible2> not sess again
[21:11] Viezeharry> ooh you allready did sess
[21:11] Invisible2> ye and i really dont like the map
[21:11] Invisible2> play just because other love it
[21:11] Junquero out
[21:12] Viezeharry> hmm oke
[21:12] Viezeharry> i dont mind as long as it is not pp
[21:13] Invisible2> tbh i should play more pp since i suck at it
[21:13] Viezeharry> haha me too..
[21:13] Invisible2> but noobs never want to play that and im not good enought to play with the pros
[21:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> u have to 1v1 on that map to get better at it
[21:15] Invisible2> ye but noobs never paly that and pros would smash me in 5 mins, dont think i would learn much from that :/
[21:18] AtomicO_o out
[21:18] AtomicO_o in
[21:20] Invisible2> mixiii
[21:21] AtomicO_o> ue
[21:21] [D]Jusuf> caio
[21:21] Invisible2> caio re kaio?
[21:23] Invisible2> joseph join 3v3?
[21:24] [D]Jusuf> cookn :(
[21:24] Invisible2> pizza?
[21:25] AtomicO_o> manl1 join
[21:26] [D]Jusuf> Not pizza, Alfredo today
[21:26] D4R_OP> you know that when you play in the back you have less land to manage, right HZ?
[21:26] T-Rod> gg
[21:26] Mowgli> xD
[21:26] Mowgli> u lost
[21:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> shouldnt have done the teams lol
[21:27] Invisible2> Invisible2 + Saito_Vdm + AtomicO_o vs. [SW]Fried_Rice + Mowgli + Viezeharry
[21:27] T-Rod> tried to tell u man
[21:27] Invisible2> ams ok?
[21:27] Invisible2> lol
[21:27] [Rw]Headhunterz> you were everywere were you shouldnt have been d4r lol
[21:27] AtomicO_o> fuck
[21:27] AtomicO_o> rod stole game
[21:27] T-Rod> muhaha
[21:27] Invisible2> i waited just to not get a game lol
[21:27] T-Rod> what map
[21:27] Invisible2> nice
[21:27] D4R_OP> wutever u say :nice:
[21:28] T-Rod> push?
[21:28] MrSmokin_Hottie26> lets do dictator :peped:
[21:28] T-Rod> töm?
[21:28] AtomicO_o> no dictathoe
[21:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> go push
[21:28] T-Rod> tööm?
[21:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> or walls again
[21:28] [Rw]Headhunterz> me and spin had his backdoor what do you do you come as well meanwhile we got 2 shamans walking into our other side uncontested
[21:28] [AvA]JJaydenn> push
[21:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> k push
[21:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> me front
[21:28] T-Rod> kk vs who
[21:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> idm ur team
[21:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> u choose ur team bases
[21:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> T-Rod + [AsG]Manl1 + [SW]Fried_Rice + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. [AvA]JJaydenn + [GoD]Spinnifix + D4R_OP + Mowgli
[21:29] [AvA]JJaydenn> me big base
[21:29] Invisible2> wow lol bianca really only join me if koopa does
[21:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye
[21:29] T-Rod> we dont have any pro on front
[21:29] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> not true lol
[21:29] Invisible2> hate have to be much lo
[21:29] Mowgli> so thats bianca
[21:29] Invisible2> so what map?
[21:30] AtomicO_o> i vote for walls
[21:30] [D]Jusuf> n
[21:30] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> idk do we get +2?
[21:30] Ezra_TSI in
[21:30] Ezra_TSI out
[21:30] MrSmokin_Hottie26> dicator :peped:
[21:30] [AvA]JJaydenn> actually ill get next 1 if still playing soon brb
[21:30] Invisible2> nah you see there is other host, why should people join me then lol
[21:30] T-Rod> kk imma take break
[21:30] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> see
[21:30] Invisible2> dude fuck no dictator lmao
[21:30] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lol
[21:30] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :pog:
[21:30] Invisible2> nah still not 3v3
[21:30] MrSmokin_Hottie26> wtf dictator fun asf tho
[21:31] Invisible2> velocity ok?
[21:31] [Rw]Jops> lol i only just realised koopas nurse is bianca
[21:31] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> sure
[21:31] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lmfao
[21:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> [Rw]Headhunterz + [Rw]Jops + [GoD]Spinnifix vs. [AsG]Manl1 + Mowgli + [SW]Fried_Rice
[21:32] [Rw]Jops> fuckin name changes like an adhd teenager
[21:32] MrSmokin_Hottie26> im being pickd on
[21:32] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> xd
[21:32] MrSmokin_Hottie26> n no one caressssss
[21:32] Invisible2> Invisible2 + Viezeharry + [GoD]Koopas_Nurse vs. Saito_Vdm + AtomicO_o + MrSmokin_Hottie26
[21:32] [Rw]Jops> and with all that, everyone still calls you bianca
[21:32] Invisible2> i feel like we are fucked on velocity
[21:32] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> always
[21:32] Invisible2> but nvm
[21:32] MrSmokin_Hottie26> do any teams
[21:32] MrSmokin_Hottie26> idm
[21:32] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> i mean the bianca
[21:32] MrSmokin_Hottie26> swap whoever
[21:32] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> not that we are fucked lol
[21:32] MrSmokin_Hottie26> i wont throw a fit
[21:32] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> koopa is ez
[21:32] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> :nice:
[21:32] Invisible2> full random?
[21:33] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> so its me and vize :nice:
[21:33] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> fine go
[21:33] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> full random
[21:33] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> me vize and saito*
[21:33] Invisible2> better vize then me
[21:33] Invisible2> ats for sure
[21:33] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> :ye:
[21:33] Invisible2> thats
[21:33] Invisible2> *
[21:34] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> k get d4?
[21:34] Saito_Vdm> sorry
[21:34] Invisible2> mm have something against me :/
[21:34] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> dude
[21:34] Invisible2> d4 you playing?
[21:34] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> are you trolling?
[21:35] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> saito?
[21:35] AtomicO_o> normal map?
[21:35] Invisible2> can do other map ye
[21:35] Saito_Vdm> i clicked esc on other screen
[21:35] Invisible2> loool
[21:35] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> ok
[21:35] Invisible2> which map then
[21:35] Invisible2> ?
[21:35] AtomicO_o> clower
[21:35] Invisible2> its 4v4 map
[21:35] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> htats not 3v3
[21:35] AtomicO_o> oh true xd
[21:36] Invisible2> lmao
[21:36] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> why not this map its fun
[21:36] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> ................
[21:36] AtomicO_o> i let d4 in
[21:36] Invisible2> ye but if mix dont like then lets do other
[21:36] Invisible2> join
[21:36] Invisible2> 4 afk
[21:36] Invisible2> i pmmed him
[21:36] Invisible2> bianca and koopa big rest random?
[21:37] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lol k
[21:37] D4R_OP> wuts goin on
[21:37] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> idk
[21:37] Invisible2> wanna play?
[21:38] [AvA]Mibbel in
[21:40] Zpektrix_TAS out
[21:40] Zpektrix_TAS in
[21:40] Zpektrix_TAS out
[21:40] Zpektrix_TAS in
[21:56] huanson_OP out
[21:57] T-Rod> mm booming
[21:57] T-Rod> gg
[21:59] Sherminator in
[22:01] D4R_OP out
[22:02] D4R_OP in
[22:05] AtomicO_o out
[22:05] AtomicO_o in
[22:05] MrSmokin_Hottie26> u on some kindergarden shit brandy
[22:05] T-Rod> baby pooped on him?
[22:06] Saito_Vdm out
[22:06] Invisible2> lmao trod
[22:06] MrSmokin_Hottie26> feels like an episode of dawson creek
[22:06] MrSmokin_Hottie26> maybe thats too old of show :monkahmm:
[22:06] T-Rod> what happened
[22:06] MrSmokin_Hottie26> boy meets world
[22:06] [AvA]Mibbel out
[22:07] T-Rod> and poopes?
[22:09] T-Rod> any games
[22:09] T-Rod> ?
[22:09] AtomicO_o> 8p pp
[22:09] AtomicO_o> i wanna be carried
[22:09] AtomicO_o> joiiin
[22:09] AtomicO_o> :excellent:
[22:10] T-Rod> ok töm
[22:10] AtomicO_o> we can do tom alsoo
[22:11] T-Rod> awesome
[22:12] [Rw]Headhunterz> gg
[22:12] [Rw]Jops> yeah sorry spin wasnt trying to help defend there, I just cba to walk all the way to the front to attack
[22:12] AtomicO_o> AtomicO_o + Viezeharry + [AvA]JJaydenn + [GoD]Spinnifix vs. T-Rod + [AsG]Manl1 + Mowgli + [Rw]Headhunterz
[22:12] AtomicO_o> what map
[22:12] T-Rod> töm
[22:12] [D]Jusuf> lazyyyy boy jops
[22:12] T-Rod> me and spin bigs
[22:13] [AvA]JJaydenn> trod spin big on tom
[22:13] [AvA]JJaydenn> rest random
[22:13] [AvA]JJaydenn> :good:
[22:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> no lol
[22:13] [D]Jusuf> why random lmao
[22:13] T-Rod> ok do best
[22:13] AtomicO_o> mappack
[22:13] T-Rod> lemmi host
[22:13] [D]Jusuf out
[22:13] AtomicO_o> idf remember
[22:13] T-Rod> tgw 6-.8
[22:14] [Rw]Jops> lol jo stfu
[22:14] [Rw]Jops> go hang out with doom
[22:14] [Rw]Jops> peas in a pod you 2
[22:14] T-Rod> unrandom it
[22:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[22:15] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[22:15] AtomicO_o> ?
[22:15] T-Rod> ?
[22:15] T-Rod> relogging prolly
[22:15] [AvA]JJaydenn> maybe a ragequit
[22:16] T-Rod> ok
[22:16] T-Rod> someone call spin
[22:16] [SW]Fried_Rice> man that was stupid game play
[22:16] [Rw]Jops> what was
[22:16] T-Rod> +1
[22:16] T-Rod> allow someone in
[22:16] T-Rod> atomico
[22:16] [Rw]Jops> I would but its restricted
[22:16] Mowgli> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[22:16] Mowgli> ++++++++++++++++0
[22:16] T-Rod> me and jjayden bigs
[22:17] AtomicO_o> AtomicO_o + T-Rod + Mowgli + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. Viezeharry + [AvA]JJaydenn + [AsG]Manl1 + [SW]Fried_Rice
[22:17] [AvA]JJaydenn> dude nah lol
[22:17] T-Rod> AtomicO_o + T-Rod + Mowgli + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. Viezeharry + [AvA]JJaydenn + [AsG]Manl1 + [SW]Fried_Rice
[22:17] [AvA]JJaydenn> my lbs are shocking
[22:17] T-Rod> mine too
[22:17] AtomicO_o> use flat
[22:17] [AvA]JJaydenn> yeah right xD
[22:17] [AvA]JJaydenn> perfect everytime
[22:17] [AvA]JJaydenn> i aint playing big
[22:17] [AsG]Manl1> we can also make viezeharry and mowgli big
[22:17] [AvA]JJaydenn> ye
[22:17] T-Rod> me and jjay just go
[22:17] Viezeharry> haha please dont lol
[22:17] [AvA]JJaydenn> i aint doing big base
[22:18] T-Rod> k put bella then
[22:18] T-Rod> or manl1
[22:18] [AsG]Manl1> bella
[22:18] [AvA]JJaydenn> do bella
[22:18] [AvA]JJaydenn> who is wiezeharry
[22:18] T-Rod> some pro
[22:18] [SW]Fried_Rice> tom?
[22:18] [AvA]JJaydenn> :nice:
[22:18] T-Rod> played with him he owned
[22:18] [SW]Fried_Rice> yeh u just have to lb
[22:18] [SW]Fried_Rice> i love big on tom
[22:18] [AvA]JJaydenn> ye sweet bella big
[22:18] [AvA]JJaydenn> lets roll
[22:19] [Rw]Raver in
[22:19] [Rw]Jops> yaaaaas
[22:19] [Rw]Raver> o/
[22:20] [Rw]Jops> insert harry potter gif of
[22:20] [Rw]Jops> "hes back"
[22:20] [Rw]Jops> "he killed cedric"
[22:20] [Rw]Raver> insert gif of aragorn pushing open the gates
[22:20] [Rw]Jops> "For Frodo"
[22:20] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lol
[22:20] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> :nice:
[22:21] [Rw]Jops> "insert that scene from drag be to hell where there's just the old woman stood in the road"
[22:21] [Rw]Raver> man that film used to scat me right out
[22:21] [Rw]Raver> watched it a few times
[22:21] [Rw]Jops> I dont do scary films, too much of a pussy
[22:21] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> xd
[22:21] [Rw]Raver> nah it aint bein a pussy
[22:21] [Rw]Raver> people who enjoy them carry darkness
[22:21] [Rw]Jops> I never understood why you would want to be terrified
[22:22] [Rw]Raver> just vibrationally matching to their preferred media
[22:22] [Rw]Jops> like finding the right butt plug
[22:22] [Rw]Raver> its like how kids dont like them
[22:22] [Rw]Raver> because they are less corrupted
[22:22] [Rw]Jops> but plugs? or scary films
[22:22] [Rw]Raver> both i suppose
[22:22] [Rw]Jops> if i dont like them does that mean im too pure for this world
[22:23] [Rw]Raver> if you were too pure for this world you wouldnt be in it
[22:23] [Rw]Raver> so gg
[22:23] urepopulous2 out
[22:23] [Rw]Jops> where would i be
[22:23] [Rw]Raver> idk lol
[22:23] [Rw]Raver> one of the rules of this realm is that we come into it with no prior memory
[22:24] [Rw]Jops> cus its a simulation
[22:24] [Rw]Raver> could be
[22:24] [Rw]Raver> its def sus
[22:26] Junquero in
[22:27] [Rw]Raver> i been playing metaphor refantazio
[22:27] [Rw]Raver> legit 10/10 game
[22:27] [Rw]Jops> really? I added it to my wishlist a while ago
[22:27] [Rw]Raver> its extremely good
[22:27] [Rw]Raver> im 26 hours in
[22:28] [Rw]Raver> taking a break actually because i dont wanna burn out
[22:28] [Rw]Raver> its an 80+ hour game
[22:28] [Rw]Jops> whats battle system on it?
[22:28] [Rw]Raver> same as persona games really
[22:28] [Rw]Raver> bit different
[22:28] [Rw]Raver> has cool systems
[22:28] [Rw]Raver> i prefer it to persona
[22:28] [Rw]Ninety in
[22:29] [Rw]Raver> plus it just feels more "adult" than persona
[22:29] [Rw]Jops> ahh not played persona but also wanted to
[22:29] [Rw]Raver> just skip them
[22:29] [Rw]Raver> get metaphor
[22:29] [Rw]Jops> I like JRPG but prefer turned base if on PC
[22:29] [Rw]Raver> its turn based yeah
[22:29] [Rw]Jops> sweeet
[22:29] [Rw]Raver> but very fast and snappy
[22:29] [Rw]Raver> satisfying
[22:29] [Rw]Raver> its all about the story and characters though
[22:29] [Rw]Raver> and the world
[22:29] [Rw]Raver> and the music
[22:29] [Rw]Raver> the whole thing man
[22:29] [Rw]Raver> its like perfect
[22:30] [Rw]Raver> i rarely get captivated by media anymore
[22:30] [Rw]Raver> but this is S+++
[22:30] [Rw]Jops> ooooh maybe I get it on PS5
[22:30] [Rw]Ninety out
[22:30] [Rw]Raver> £30 on cdkeys
[22:30] [Rw]Ninety in
[22:31] D4R_OP> :feelsglassesman:
[22:31] [Rw]Jops> ooooh
[22:32] MrSmokin_Hottie26> nah u host it
[22:32] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> colors?
[22:32] D4R_OP> my net is too bad for hosting
[22:32] [TDM]Mr-TaNk in
[22:32] D4R_OP> can any
[22:33] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> hi all
[22:33] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> hi
[22:33] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> Koopa's nurse. Loool
[22:35] [Rw]Raver out
[22:35] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[22:35] [AvA]JJaydenn> knew that was gonna happen lol
[22:35] [AsG]Manl1> that bd
[22:35] Mowgli> gg
[22:35] [Rw]Headhunterz> good game
[22:36] AtomicO_o> thz for carry rod
[22:36] [AvA]JJaydenn> that eq was sick tho
[22:36] T-Rod> gg
[22:36] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[22:36] AtomicO_o> wow 3 huts
[22:36] T-Rod> allmost died laughter
[22:36] AtomicO_o> 1eq right
[22:36] [SW]Fried_Rice> whats the pont in bding the noob though
[22:36] Mowgli> early bd even for his allies
[22:36] T-Rod> loool
[22:36] [AvA]JJaydenn> dude bd and nearly killed him with 1 eq lol
[22:36] T-Rod> i wouldnt bd but i saw u hadnt expanded
[22:36] [SW]Fried_Rice> you got someone rushing our front min 2
[22:36] T-Rod> couldnt resist
[22:36] AtomicO_o out
[22:36] [SW]Fried_Rice> then an early bd
[22:36] [Rw]Jops> Test map here
[22:36] AtomicO_o in
[22:36] [SW]Fried_Rice> he cut all his trees thats why
[22:36] [Rw]Jops> but its just 6p aNP
[22:36] T-Rod> aaah
[22:37] AtomicO_o> gn ALL
[22:37] [Rw]Headhunterz> just casually owning the front
[22:37] AtomicO_o out
[22:37] [SW]Fried_Rice> boring game
[22:37] [Rw]Ninety> is doom cancelled yet
[22:37] T-Rod> bit unpredictable
[22:37] [Rw]Headhunterz> can we do push
[22:37] [Rw]Jops> basically yes
[22:38] T-Rod> i love the part when u bd and noone notice
[22:38] [SW]Fried_Rice> we noticed
[22:38] [SW]Fried_Rice> he didnt move his pop
[22:38] T-Rod> i mean harry
[22:38] [Rw]Headhunterz> well to be fair it was a very early bd for tom :P
[22:39] T-Rod> theres been times i bd when smallbases mainlands not connected
[22:39] T-Rod> theres no way to run
[22:39] T-Rod> with braves
[22:39] T-Rod> thats a checkmate move
[22:40] [SW]Fried_Rice> yeh so u bd the noob
[22:40] [SW]Fried_Rice> very fun
[22:40] T-Rod> i didnt realise he was noob
[22:40] [Rw]Headhunterz> well i was enjoying myself at the front unpassable
[22:40] T-Rod> i just saw hes not expanded
[22:40] [AvA]JJaydenn> :nice:
[22:40] [SW]Fried_Rice> bro he was a spy
[22:40] [Rw]Headhunterz> even got my own attack off
[22:40] T-Rod> its not i look whos there when i bd
[22:41] T-Rod> nice headhunter
[22:41] T-Rod> knew u hnadle front
[22:41] Viezeharry> haha its all good. I hot the bd as a noob. Playing for a month now
[22:41] Hellfest out
[22:41] Viezeharry> i will keep plaing and kick your asses some day
[22:41] Viezeharry> haha
[22:41] T-Rod> thats the spirit
[22:41] [AvA]JJaydenn> sounds like me when i first started
[22:41] Mowgli> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[22:41] [Rw]Jops> only with a better grasp of english
[22:41] T-Rod> like 15 years ago?
[22:42] [AvA]JJaydenn> lets see if he can be like me n actually do it ;)
[22:42] [Rw]Headhunterz> you could have warned him about the backdoor as well
[22:42] T-Rod> i usually dont warn enemyt
[22:42] [Rw]Headhunterz> not that he could do much against 3 shamans
[22:42] T-Rod> some say its predictable
[22:42] [Rw]Headhunterz> but he could save his men
[22:43] [Rw]Headhunterz> i meant the enemy team i was on yours
[22:43] T-Rod> why is there 7 spot open bella
[22:43] [Rw]Headhunterz> he wants to do 3v4
[22:43] Viezeharry> Happened to me once in tom now, wont happen again
[22:43] Viezeharry> wise lesson
[22:43] Viezeharry> lets go on xD
[22:44] T-Rod> dw what are the odds u being back base again vs me
[22:44] Invisible2> you guys go 3v3 dont think we will get 8
[22:44] T-Rod> we get 8th dw
[22:44] [Rw]Headhunterz> cmon
[22:44] [Rw]Headhunterz> i want to do push
[22:44] T-Rod> come back
[22:44] T-Rod> we get that harry
[22:45] T-Rod> or jops
[22:45] T-Rod> or ninetyt
[22:45] T-Rod> harry join
[22:45] Viezeharry> i am afk for 10 min
[22:45] T-Rod> ok
[22:45] T-Rod> understood
[22:45] Viezeharry> so jops or ninety
[22:45] [Rw]Jops> ehhh we wanted to play together
[22:45] [Rw]Headhunterz> or eric
[22:46] T-Rod> is that so
[22:46] T-Rod> maybe bella and manl1 fronts
[22:46] [Rw]Headhunterz> [Rw]Headhunterz + [Rw]Jops + [AvA]JJaydenn + [AsG]Manl1 vs. Mowgli + T-Rod + Invisible2 + [SW]Fried_Rice
[22:46] [Rw]Jops> can I just say
[22:46] [Rw]Jops> Alan said 4 people pm'ed him
[22:46] [Rw]Jops> and only 2 of you asked me
[22:46] [Rw]Jops> so, fuck you guys :'(
[22:46] T-Rod> i pmed u
[22:47] [Rw]Jops> except for Trod and Shov
[22:47] [Rw]Ninety> actually it was only rod and shov for me too
[22:47] [Rw]Ninety> i wasnt actually counting
[22:47] [Rw]Ninety> lol
[22:47] [Rw]Jops> oh thats ok then
[22:47] [Rw]Jops> was gonan have beef
[22:47] T-Rod> whos show
[22:47] [Rw]Ninety> shovato
[22:47] [Rw]Ninety> is Headhunterz
[22:49] Sherminator out
[22:49] Viezeharry out
[22:51] matzetwo in
[22:59] matzetwo out
[23:12] [D]Jusuf> Wow ninety inflating his numbers
[23:12] [D]Jusuf> Alan bad
[23:19] Junquero out
[23:24] [Rw]Ninety> :joseph:
[23:25] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> gg
[23:25] D4R_OP> gg
[23:25] MrSmokin_Hottie26> ggs wp
[23:25] [AsG]Manl1> :manu:
[23:25] [SW]Fried_Rice> gg
[23:25] T-Rod> gg
[23:25] [SW]Fried_Rice> didnt expect to be front
[23:25] T-Rod> mowgli too op
[23:25] HexTheRex in
[23:25] [Rw]Jops> mowgli was great
[23:26] Invisible2> gg wp
[23:26] [Rw]Headhunterz out
[23:26] [Rw]Headhunterz in
[23:26] Invisible2> sup tank
[23:26] Mowgli> gg
[23:27] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> everything nice
[23:27] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> you?
[23:27] Invisible2> all good here
[23:27] LockdowN_TAS> sec reloging
[23:27] Invisible2> brb
[23:27] LockdowN_TAS out
[23:27] T-Rod> ty for ggsw
[23:27] T-Rod> and gn
[23:27] LockdowN_TAS in
[23:27] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> gn
[23:27] Warp_drive> Gn
[23:27] T-Rod out
[23:27] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I was on global vibes not long ago
[23:28] [AvA]JJaydenn out
[23:28] [SW]Sinegeiros in
[23:31] [D]Jusuf in
[23:31] Invisible2> hi joseph
[23:31] HexTheRex> helo
[23:31] [D]Jusuf> hey pals :D
[23:31] jamiesr out
[23:36] [AsG]Manl1 out
[23:44] [AvA]Mibbel in
[23:44] Invisible2> hi mibbel
[23:44] [AvA]Mibbel> hi !
[23:44] Invisible2> how are you?
[23:45] [AvA]Mibbel> all good?
[23:45] Invisible2> ye and you
[23:45] [AvA]Mibbel> i'm ok ty
[23:45] Invisible2> nice to hear :)
[23:45] [AvA]Mibbel> yea !
[23:46] adray_tsi in
[23:48] HexTheRex> hi mibel
[23:49] [AvA]Mibbel> hi ! all good there?
[23:51] [D]Jusuf> yo mibbel
[23:57] [AvA]Mibbel> hi ! all good?
[23:57] MrSmokin_Hottie26> ur mums good
[23:57] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :fap:
[23:57] [D]Jusuf> yes mib, all is well
[23:57] [D]Jusuf> leave him alone Kpa :monkastab:
[23:57] MrSmokin_Hottie26> just effing around im high
[23:57] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :good:
[23:57] [D]Jusuf> lol
[23:58] [D]Jusuf> nurse gave you medicine
[23:58] MrSmokin_Hottie26> she let me play too much pop
[23:58] MrSmokin_Hottie26> now my brains mush
[23:59] [D]Jusuf> :V